Of course, daily radiatio. doses received fron fallout are

fractionated doses,

not equally fractionated so that tie ratio would te in the directio. of unity.
Dey by day doses delivered from fallout from tie 1St. day to one year are more

nearly eqiivalent than st early times (ignoring the weatiering factor).


data do not extend beyond LO days and ‘4t ie questdo «le to extrapolate his deta
in an attenpt to derive a sinilar ratio as alove based on one year, since ot:er
uncertainties are go great, 1,0., effects of weatrerizg as affecting tie rate of dose
delivery, etc,

‘The ratio would presum:-ly be fartner fron unity for a 15-day



the skin is/relatively rapidly repaired organ and tius may tend to overexyiasise the effects of fractiomtion wren considering wioleody gama doses.

Cronkite reports® "In tie dog, with co!-alt gama rays, te dose tat will kin
SO perce:t of te dogs ina tiirt)-day pertod we, delivered in a ai cle dosc at

After dose of radiatio.: tre
rovg ly 15 r per mi ute 4 approximately 275 re
animals teoone 11] wit 1: @ period of 7 to 19 dass and deat. occur ~eftmeen tie
ei¢ Ut: adc trentys-fift



Kenorriaze, i..fections, avi profound anecnia are

If t.e dose 4 decreaso¢ to 100 r per day give: over a fourtect.our

period, te letial dose is Licreaand to (0-300 r,

Unter bot conditions, te

anigals die in approximately tie sane period of tine wit: ide .tical pacifestatio.s,

If t'e exposure is dronped to 25 r per day given over a fourtoeour period, the

let al dose is t-en increased to well over 1200 r, and t.e s-mptions and find.ngs
aye coanged,*

One problem in sce: experiments is te evaluatio:. of possi ility

t-at the aniwals may be virtually deed w:ile the ex-osures are continued,


mirht te dllustrated in exserime.ts usi:r tie burre were the daily doses of Los
200 ard 100 roenize:s given to t:ree separate groups required 3600 tc 000, 2800
to 3200, and 2000 to 2600 total reentgoas respectively for 100 per cent let ality**.
a Nedical Aspects of Radiolocical Lefense. Cronkite, F.P. Lecture to Federal Civil
Lefense Administration, Regional Conference of Rort.eastern States of Radiolorical

and Cherical fefensea, Kew York City, Oetoter 22, 1953,

UCLA~295, response of tre Burro to 100 r Fractisnel thole-"oc- Gama fay hadietion

Haley, Teds eX al, June 10, 1954.Unclass! fied.


Select target paragraph3