Bikini Atoll was a Gite for atmospheric tests of n

1946 to 1958.


ar devices from

The population of 166 Bikinians was moved from the atoll


in March, 1946, first to Rongerik Atoll, then to Kwajalein Atoll; in

November, 1948, a final move was made to Kili Island.

‘The land area at

Kili is about one-tenth that at Bikini Atoll and there is no lagoon.

Therefore, access to Kili is difficult,

often impossible, and sea foods are


The results of a radiological resurvey of Bikini in 1964 by the University

of Washington's Laboratory of Radiation Biology indicated that Bikini might

be radiologically safe for permanent habitation.

A request from the High

Commissioner of the Trust Territories of the Pacific to the Atomic Energy

Commission in 1966 to rehabilitate Bikini resulted in an extensive survey of

the atoll in the spring of 1967.


This survey emphasized external radiation

including in situ gamma-rey spectrometry,

although some food

items were collected to supplement data from the 1964 survey.

The 1967 survey

party included personnel from the Atomic Energy Conmunission's Health and Safety

Laboratory, the Division of Biology and Medicine, the U. S. Naval Radiclogical

Defense Laboratory,

the Trust Territory,

and the University of Washington,

NMP 6§

Select target paragraph3