
The following comments are pertinent in comparing the two schedules:

The interval between shots for a given test location; i.e., the Tare

Complex, is the sum of the time required for re-entry, technical pre-

paredness, design interaction, average weather delay (see discussions.
on veather following), and time lost, if any, for evacuation and reentry. for the firing of e shot somewhere else in the atoll.

true for both Schedules I and II.


This is

In Schedule I, the time interval between shots of the smll weapons.

program at the Tare Island complex is nominally ten days, which is

perhaps longer than one might expect.

This interval is necessary for

plenning purposes because of interruptions in attaining technical
preparedness while trying, at the same time, to continue firing large
shots in the northern part of the lagoon. All installations at Tare,

for example, mist be protected from water wave damge. The concept
of the use of 50 foot stub towers is aimed at circumventing damge
from such an effect.

As pertains also to Schedule I, the firing of

Events 2, 4, 6, 12, 13, 14, and 15 in the northern Bikini Lagoon sec-

tor, as well es the Tare shots, necessitates the evacuation of all
Tare personnel to Een for protectica from fallout. Shots greater than

5 MI, such as Schedule I Events 12, 13, 14, and 15 will mke complete

atoll evacuation necessary while firing.

Also in Sehedule I, it is to be noted that the time interval between
large shots in the northern lagoon is 10 days. The yields make the

inclusion of the average Bikini weather delay for these shot inter-

wals necessary.

The interwoven schedule of large and smill shots at Bikini would preserve the dual large and smll shot capability, but, in the case of
one of each being in readiness, the large yleld or most difficult shot
vould take precedence,
No insertion of DOD shots is shown in Schedule I,

It is believed that

Bikini Atoll is best adapted for these shots even if Taongi is unavailable and it becomes necessary to insert them into e schedule typical
of Schedule I. The information available at the present time indicates
that there may be considerable difficulty in getting either of the

ultra high eltitude rocket shots ready for a 1 May ready date. Both
the 100,000 foot and 250,000 foot rocket shots require installation of
manned diagnostic rocket launchers at several points around the atoll.
Even though the scope of this program is not firm, the inclusion of

such an effort in Schedule I between the indicated dates 1 May and 30
July will be difficult indeed if uncontaminated areas must be guaran~

teed for the manned diagnostic rocket stations which are more or less
equally distributed around the atoll. It is felt that the high alti-

tude nuclear device vehicles themselves can be gusrenteed uncontaminated
launching sites at How or Nan Islands during all of the period encompassed by Schedule I, The launching of the nuclear device carrying

balloon from either of these islands seems feasible at any time between
other shote during this period.


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Select target paragraph3