
A review of the above information resulte in cur dei re to state the following

eonclusions !

tn the concept of the opercticon as visualized without the use of Facet it
becomes immediately obvicus thet Operation Hardtack would be difficult, if

not impossible, to accomplish in a period of time less then 12 weeks.


With Taongi in use as a test site, Schedule IT is feasibie, and far more
assurance Of being able te maintain the echedule ie inherently assceciated
@ue to less average delay risk frem toth weather and shot interaction.


Schedule I, without Teonct, is feasible but with less assurance as just


Sehedule IT will quarantee eexpleticn of the DOD hich altitude program cn
sebedule end in safe areas, ville Schedule I vill not.

5. Schedule IZ represents a saving of 7 weks over Schedule I.
Believing Schedule I to be typicel timevise of what ean be acoapiiahed in
firing the shots, now planned for Enivete:, leais to the conclucion thet
the overall operation can be shertensd by abeut ense-hel? of the abdeve saving
er 3 to & weeks if firing ef som: Enivetok shots ie continued at Bikini
efter eemiction of Sehedulis TI.

7. After review of the mijor requirements, and since no plens exict for the

re-eestsblishnent ef ths Fox/Geerge eamp ox the meintenance of the semi-

permment eam ashere at Tacnci during the eperational phase, leatis to tus
eonelusion thet the total Herdteck lezistic sarnert required with Taenci
$6 no greater then Redwing with the exepticn of the diecnnstics ship
end Tasngi veather ships poriieipaticn.


It fe concluded that the east of any edditional euppert plus the develcr-

mental cost of Taengi is fairly estimated at $5,000,000 for Hardtack.

9. The use of a dlemestics ship not only constitwies the mest immortent

facter in meking se Tecugi firing site feasible but will provide a mre
ecemonical means ef accomplishing the diagnostics experiments in the future.

10. fhe Laboratory vill greatly benefit in persennel efficiency by the shorter
stay Of persoannel oversees as provided by Schedule IT.

Zf the proposal is approved, we would meke the follewing recomendetions:

1. Ferform the comets oceanocrenhic survey as sean as possible incerporeting
representatives frem egercies concerned in order to tak: the mst advenie;e

ef the suppert reqrircd te place end maintain people ashore fer this task.
Agencies who might perticipate are Task Group 7.53 U.S. Kavy WT Re. 1;

SC, and Task Gray 7.1.

Cop;D/DoLan, RC

Select target paragraph3