At the outeet, it must be stated that the ootimm plen far Teonzi operations is

exe in hich an ebsolute minimm of construction is required.

The basic UCRL

viewpoint is that euch an operation is totally sea and eirbornas. Taonzi itself
should be leoked upon for Hardtack eas only an eren of quiet vater in which to

mea shot barges.


It is pertinent to any discussian of developmental cost, therefore, to state tus
tesks which need be performed prior to the first shot. These ere:

Lagoon Access
Holmes end Nerver, Inc., heave eansiiiered in their cost estimates e chenvel
300 fest vide and eo clear depth of 20 fect at mean lov water. This chame)
would de apnroximately 500 fect lois anid would be blested throuch the leevrré
reef et the extreme south end of the atoll nesr Seuth Islead. This is th:

$686,000 item shown above.

Conversetions with the Cormenier, Underveter Demolition Usit Uo. 1, U. S.

Nevy, Sas Diego, have disclosed that a recent operation by this branch cf

the navy has opencd a echarnel throughs the reef at Hoye Island, Kraje)ecin

Atoll, whose dimensions are 100 feet vide, 1200 fect leng, and 8 feet deep
at mean low vwetar.

This task vas acceuplished with 70 tons of cexrdemmed

U. S. Navy bulk explosive by 12 pereannel] in Lk days.

At Taoegi, the UDT Ko. 1 hes estinated that the present Pokealkku pas:age
could be opened into a ehtuencl 210 feet wide, 300 feet longs, and 30 ieet
deep with 70 toms ef bulk explosive. 21 porsonmel workira during aly the

dsylight slack high water poriois (+ 2 hours) could eccamplich this task
in 30 deys. It ie assumed that comdernes bulk explosive could be mits
evailable and utilized were also. The current at lew side through tre

present Pateakim pessace into the oescn is about & imots ani is adeats

to remove blasted debris with e selfesicening action. Sheuld en etecapt
be made to blast througs the reef im & lecation other then Pokeskiu
passage, mo self-cleaning ecticn from a curren: would exiet until the
ehannel is opened over procuicclly its full leneth end into the less,
The cost of plastic bulk explosive to UCRL et Livermore is $1.65 per pam.
If Gbrolete cangemmed explosive vere nct available for uze in underveter

dexsliticn of the corrl in the psesegc, an expenditure ef $231,000.00 for
explosive vould be required.

Usins tais figure to compare the cost per

cubic yard in the abeve three casez gives:

Ebye Chennsl
$5.50 per cu. yd.


“Widening Poksakin Passage

South Islond Chensusi

$3.30 per cu. yd.

$6.20 par cue ys

It is felt thet the above cczrcrisas is fairly drevn, even thavgh mo over-

head cost factore vere included im the first tvo figures ebove, eni since
only militery perscorel are involved those costs would not te AEC funded.
The figures ther, represent the eanparetive cess per eubie yard if the
explesive hed to be purchesci with AEC funds.


Select target paragraph3