The northerly component of the westerly layer in the wind structure at Tsongi
is a help actually in affording fallout petterns from Taongi which have little
tendency to encompass Wake Island. An examination of the Bikini firing sector
shows a usable fallout sector with an included angle of approximately 150°.
At Taongi, neglecting Wake for the moment, the usable firing sector is 270°
when laid out to miss populsted areas by the same margin in the two cases.
To be safe as far as Wake is concerned, and if a 30° sector, for example, is
subtracted out to include Wake on its bisector, the total usable sector at

Taongi is 240° and is 90° larger than at Bikini.
each side by a generous 190 miles.


This sector clears Wake on

Cost of Development

During the past few weeks, Task Group 7.1 bas developed in conjunction with
Task Group 7.5 a staff study on the costs involved, aside from those of operational logistic support, in developing Taongi Atoll to the etage which vould

allow the mooring and detonation of the first device barge.

This study was

requested earlier at a time when UCRL’s planning was considerably less firm
and when the laboratory was not in a position to evaluate the plen for shipdDoard. remote diagnostics as feasible or not feasible. As a consequence, and
without knowing whether or not major lend stations would be required, two
hypothetical situations were described to Task Group 7.5 and the architect
enjjineers were then asked for dollar estimates of the cost of prepering for
each of the two situations.

Situation No. 1 described a concept of operation along winimal lines which
would involve the necessity of lagoon entry, establishment of the necessary
minimsl camp and the construction of facilities ashore comprising a firing

and control station equivalent to the existing Station 7O on Enyu Island at


A second situation described a greater effort in which the construct-

ion of three major stations similar to Castle Stations 1210, 1342, 1550, and

en airstrip were added to the minim) requirements, ‘The costs of access and
construction for each of these two situstions are stated in a letter for-

warded by the architect engineers, Holmes and Narver, Inc., to ALO (Howell
to Sanders dated 30 January 1957) and are quoted belov:

For the winimm scope of vork contemplated, it is estimted 65 construction

ara 35 operation personnel will te required fcr a period of six and one~-naif

months prior to the first shot.

The mximum scope of work will require 120

construction and 8 operation personnel for a period of seven and ons-helf
months. These schedules cover on-site construction only; a minimun of four
months must be added to these schedules for procurement and shipment of

material and equipment. In estimating the time schedule, it has been assuned
that the topography of the proposed airstrip site will be similar to that of

Ban and that beaches for landing craft, coral deposits, trees, underbrush

and other conditions will be similar to those of other atolls in which construction operations have been conducted.


Select target paragraph3