would result in a reduction in the total level of military personnel.

The President also inquired as to what changes were

being made in the atomic submarine SEA WOLF which the President
understood was
a first class vessel. Secretary Gates indicated that the power plant of the SEA WOLF was considered to be
dangerous and that it was proposed to change the type of atomic
power plant in that submarine.
The President said that he kept hearing in the course of the
presentation that the Defense Department was going to continue with
both the TITAN and the ATLAS ICBM programs and also continue both
the THOR and the JUPITER IRBM programs. The President said that it

was his understanding that these ICBM and IRBM programs were only

to be developed to a point which would enable us to choose the most
effective of the ICBM and IRBM missiles.

Secretary McElroy replied

that we would indeed choose one or another of these missile programs
or possibly both if both proved successful. The President warned
that he did not wish large numbers of these missiles to be procured
until they had been proved out in tests.
The President likewise stressed his conviction of the need
for greater centralization of research and development in the Defense
Department. This, he believed, would effect great savings of money
and of the time and energy of our scientists. Secretary McElroy
indicated that the Defense Department would soon be gaining valuable
experience as to the desirability of the President's view as a result
of the Department's experience with its centralized outer space research programs.
The President then observed philosophically that the presentation

indicated that we were facing a very tough situation. The problem
sometimes seemed to be almost insoluble. The Council would remember
that only 23 years ago the Joint Chiefs of Steff had gone off to

Puerto Rico and had come up with the statement that 38 billion dollars

@ year would do what was necessary, at least as a minimm.

Now, here

we are only 2} years later with a minimum well beyond the 38 billion
dollar figure and beyond the additional resources which we could
anticipate from the annual increment of our Gross National Product.

Accordingly, the President expressed his satisfaction that the Depart-




ment of Defense would now go over carefully the service estimates of
additional funds which they felt were required.




At General Cutler's suggestion, Secretary Herter expressed the
keen interest of the Department of State in the problems of maintaining our overseas deployments and the high level of equipment and
the high quality of equipment of these forces. He believed that if
we could maintain our existing deployment for approximately an additional
200 million dollars, this was a highly desirable course of action.




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