Ronald G. Bakal, Esa.
Bakal §& Bakal

— S408 Sepulveda Boulevard
Culver Clty, California

Dear Mr.



This is in reply to your letter of November 15, 1976, to Or. Robert
seamans concerning compensation for the peaple of Utiriki. Atoll for
certain specifically stated effects caused by the test detonation of a
nuctear device on March 1,


The delay in responding to your letter has been due In part to our

awaiting the submisston of a bill sponsored by the Department of the Interior
authorizing ex-gratia compensation to the people of Utir{k..

The Intertor

sponsored bill, with minor modiffcations, was combined wlth an omn {bus bil}

(H.R. 6110, now H.R. 6550) and was recently Introduced into the House of
Representatlves by Representative Phillip Burton.

A copy Is enclosed,

Such Jegislation would be in keeping with a past Government authorization
(P.L. 94-34) of ex-gratla payments to the people of Bikini Atoll which you
referred to {In your


The Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDAMJand Its
predecessor agency, the Atomlc Energy Commission

(AEC), have been intimately

familiar with the experfence of the peoples of the Marshall
the past 30 years.

Istands during

in conjunction with the Trust TertIltory Government and

the Departments of the Interfor and Defense, we have continuous] y assisted
in pursuing the Government's efforts to Ident!fy and correct problems resulting
From the testing programs of the 1940's and 1950's.

We have also sought

to keep the Marshallese people maximally Informed about the multitude of

and Trust Territory efforts in the area, so as to avoid undue concern
“huiously, this is especially important with respect to complex

Select target paragraph3