
Flight Timea in Sampling Area
Succeesful egampling requires that the aircraft have a flizht

time capability long enough to permit radiation exposure to limit the
duration of the mission.

This condition was true only for wed Flight,

The unforeseen operational limitation in flight timee mentioned in


(FF tepeo

Lin An weu otecunred .


Far. 1.2, abové, ardge because the,radar equipment in the control B-2y9


gaxa—falso—b by, the cloudy weather which existed at the time of

- gampling,

As a reault, the sample control B-36 was directed to fly

ve farther from the main cloud maes than it should have been.


a the detaila of the cloud were lost to those in the B-%6 and the sampling

1e7 then had to conduct a cloud search as well as a



cloud vicinity.


. sircraft were required to Ply excessively long distances to reach the

sampling mission, although the former was to have been the function

of the B-36.

after sampling, the aircraft then incurred the risk of

running ‘very low on fuel by having to return over a great distance to
the refueling area.

In view of these consideratione, the F-84G air-

craft in White and Blue Flights did not meet the requirement that they

tave the capability of spending two hours in the sampling area.



ective measures have been diacuseed with the Commander, TG 132.4.2,

and it is believed that this condition will Lave been corrected by

Zins Shot, .






Select target paragraph3