



LARSEN ct al.

TAEA SM 224/007

ouly two subjects, both about one year ol age af exposuie, have beew lound to have prunary
hy polhytutdion

Phe wcccnt avadlabitity of suphisticaled tmiaaunoussay dechamgues bor

thytoame (14) aod thyrotropin (TSH) has allowed more thorough Gayton evaluation of the
eaposcd population who do not Nave knowa ihyroid abnodmalitics (43 Roigelap people)


superficial wad healed wethin several weeks wilh nodal regrowth of lai Shehet
scaling fenilaed mi sume cases but tho development of shin malignancy las
been voted a subsequent years

Another source of exposure ib ddl the istan

liitially, prophylecta Ty was dacantinued tur two months ina sample group of exposed

Eroups came (rom udcrnab absorption of rudignuchdes from mbadatan and,

subjects and VU U ot bovine TSH were given intranmuaculaly. Plasues 14 wos ascusuicd beluse

ligestiun vi conlanvnaled food aad water Radtodeaucal winalyses fun during

did 24 tours adder PSE

the tis few weeks showed the following estimated body burdests (ui) ol the

dhe mean increment in Ty was 2 4021.2 pg/di (racan £ SI) in the

caposed group, sigiulic antly less than the value of 4 2200.3 py/dbia conmbiols. ‘Thus suggested
a decieuae wn (hyduid teserve in capuscd subjects

Accordingly, prophylacte 14 tieatinent was

dincoutiiued Jos two tmunths, and basal plasma Sy and TSE, as well as the memeat in ‘ESI
altea Shysutiupin Releasing Husmene CT RID) was measured

Phe upper hit of the moral

plincipal padionuchdes i the Rongelop population af one day post exposure
mS bo

22) ba O $4

27, care cutth group Ob 2) "44 Gin thyroid gland)

04 112, Ru GOLA, PCO OOFS, and tissile aistemal O 0 O16 (uy)

Lusaf plasma PSH was 3 U/ml aod of the TREH-induced TSH response was 22 pUsaal an

No acule syanptoms were dotcd tron this iiterdab absor plow of rddignuchiues,

control Marshallese subjects, Four of 43 Rongelapese had abnormally bigh basal TSU and

and by six months urmalyses indicated they were vitally completely climinated

PROB induced (SH iclease on two such tests as opposed to only two of 214 contrals

Nevertheless, the cadly exposure lo radtotodines resullcd io seqious myury do the

‘Ty concentrations were low, of low normalin these uidividuals


Phese resulis indicate the

presence of cutly thyroid dyslunction. Several other subjects have shown al least vac
abnomal finding Dut have wut had the sequued suuvbes of fests tu ince! the estabilisiied

fo dhied quasicds of these sulyects (he estimated Eyrond exposure dose was ~ 400 rads

Hypothyroid has been previously noted wfter therapeutic duses uf '9't for hyperthysuadiom,
but nut io individuals exposed Jo the relatively low levels of thyronlad radiation (< 400 rads}
collimated for these indaviduals,

(hyroid glands with date clfecds to be descnibed below. The thyroid dase was
estimaicd to be considerably ligter ie the childsen becuuse of the smaller stze
ul the thyruid glands. In the Rongelap peuple the thyroid dose tious Baim

radiavien and radtoiodies €pracipally 2b, 71, 4b and 8) was estunated to
be about 335 cads ia tie adults whereas mn sinall childien the doses cunged up
to 700


Phe thyroid doses mi the Aifingnac and Utiikh groups were

extrapolated trom the Rongelap estanates assuming the ralia ob whole badly
ganna and todine doses were the same as i the Rongelap people
Following the initial studies, anual examinations and, wore recently,


quarterly exumingtions of the exposed people, a wellus an unexposed coutial

This tepoil concerns late radiation elfeets on the Uhyroid ina population in
Whe Marshall Islands tnadvertently expused to fallboul. The accident occured on
1 March 1954, during the United States atumic testing programaie when an
unexpected shift ol wieds, following detonation of a thermonuclear device al
Bikint, caused radioactive Lallhoud do be deposited on several inhabited islands
fo the cast

Evacuation of exposed persons was accomplished by two days. The

hollowing were cslimaled whole body ganna duses im the Marshallese on three

Rongelap (64 people), 175 rads, Ailingnae (18 people), 69 rads, and

Utuik (158 people), 14 cads

(Phere were also 28 American servicemen on the

island of Rongesth who received abuul the sane exposure as Ue Ailiagiae group.)
Acule cllects of gamuna exposure were noted io the Kongelap and Aulingnae
gioups, but notin the Ulirtk group “These consisted of eaily, dransient anorexia,
hatieca dead vomntinag ina number of peaple follawed by depression of white bioud

cells and platelets to about half nuemal levels Fortunately the hacmatoulogical
depression Was Nol great cnough to pesult in delectable cluwtcal signs of infechou
or bleeding

No specitic Uierapy was necessary and no dealtis occurred, and

bloud cells rebated ty uea normal levels by one year. Un addition, on the
Rongelup and Aibngnae groups, beginning about two weeks post expusure,
hadiation bars CbcGe butts) aid spotty epilation of the tead developed where
Fallot nioteidab dad bee deposited on the sha

hese burs weie hitgely

Marshallese population, have been carted out, and tesults of these exaniinalions
have been pubhisticd [1


Inthe Host ten years alter Che accident lew tidings were noted that could
be related tu radiation exposure. An increase Wi dniscai pages and stulbittis
the exposed Rongeclap women was bought to be possibly related to exposure
During the second decade, however, serious late effects develuped related
pranasily to the thyroid gland

fn addition a Rongelap man who had been

exposed at one year of age, died of acute myelogenous leukacniia which was
likely iedated to padiation exposure [3]
Betore thyroid abourmalities became apparent, was aoted that about
five clhuktien exposed al fess than five yours of age showed some degree ol growth
Telasdation (4)

in dwo boys growth aetardation was murked and frank ay xocdema

developed. “Vhyrord hy poluoction iclated (ou thyroid mjury later became apparent
with imore sophisticated techniques tor deleomiiuig thyruxine levels. Tt was nul
detected caly ui the childien By PRE determinations because of masking of tue
ihyroatme levels by wuusuaidly hugh devels of dodoprutein, later tound do be
characteristic of the Marshallese peopte [5]
Nodules of the thytoid gland begun to appear Rongelap children and to
4 tesser exiend in adulls beginning about wine years post caposue These nudules
lave comtinued to appear over the subsequent )5 years, aud vitually allot these

Select target paragraph3