the committee of experts is that exposures at Bikini Atoll will be

Predicted exposures are well within the human radiation

protection guides recommended by national and international bodies of
experts provided certain precautions are taken.

The committee of ex-

perts recommended measures to reduce potential radiation exposures at
Bikini and to insure that exposures remain acceptable for all future

One recommendation is that periodic resurveys of Bikini Atoll should
be conducted that will provide a continual check on the radiation status
of the people and the environment and that will help form the basis for

decision as to the time of rehabilitation of islands outside of the
Bikini-Eneu complex.

This continuing monitoring of the environment at

Bikini Atoll is the same as the monitoring conducted routinely throughout the United States wherein measurements of radiation and radioactivity
in foods are made.

It is appropriate to make such measurements for

the Bikini people considering such measurements are made for the people

in the U. S.
As to levels of radioactivity in foods at Bikini Atoll, two foods
should be mentioned, namely, coconut crab and pandanus.

The committee's

recommendation that the population of coconut crabs be sharply reduced
was directed to limiting the quantity of coconut crab in the diet.
was no intent that the crabs be entirely removed from the Atoll.


Select target paragraph3