The Honorable Wallace 0. Green
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary
Territorial & International Affairs

August 8, 1980
Page Eleven

of medical care to the northern Marshall Islands.

The Govern-

ment of the Marshall Islands firmly believes. that every atoll
in the Marshall Islands was “exposed to radiation from the
nuclear weapons teSting program" within the meaning of the
However, in order to accommodate the President's

on the northern Marshall



suggest the

following possible cocperative approach which follows the
historical Marshallese definition of the “northern Marshall


With regard to the people of the northern atolls,

those from Aur north in the eastern Ratak chain and from
Kwajalein north in the western Ralik chain, the Government of
the United States would provide comprehensive primary, secondary
and tertiary medical care, including associated transportation

and communication, as required by Section 102 of Public Law

With regard to the people of the remainder of the.
Marshall Islands, the southern atolls, the Government of the

Marshall Islands would assume the responsibility of the

United States under Section 102 of Public Law 96-205 to
provide primary medical care.
The United States would make
available to the people of these atolls secondary and tertiary

care, and associated transportation and communication, on the

same basis as that provided to the people of the northern atolls.
We look forward to the opportunity to consult with
you on these matters.

in lee


Charles T. Domnick
Deputy Secretary of
Foreign Affairs


The Honorable Phillip Burton
The Honorable Henry M. Jackson
Ambassador Peter R. Rosenblatt
Mr. Jeffrey Farrow
Richare D. Copaken, Esq.

Select target paragraph3