collected, read, and then ret was conducted for five weeks,

(lowest curve) are the mean outdoor natural y-levels
obtained from the Health and Safety Laboratory spectrometer readings. These values are directly proportional to
mean soil content of natural radioactivity (1 mr./week
-> 7-83 p.p.m. eV).

»xposure from the mean values
data in the various areas are
Table 2. These air doso values
ital)? by assuming that each of
1e body surface, read 100 per
zation and 85 per cent of the
r. The latter figure is based
surements of body attenuation

of population exposure data show a considerable sys-

z of 400 individuals, 25 in each
each of the eight geological
this study are discussed by



y Laboratory and Harvard
s are plotted as a function of
dioactivity in Fig. 1, with the
idicated. Plotted also in Fig. 1


< radioactivity (p.p.m. eU)
in the eight selected areas of northern
itimated mean bedrock radioactivity.
} trom Harvard dosimeters; B, popu| Health and Safety Laboratory in situ
in weekly outdoor y doses


It is readily apparent from tho figure that the two sets

tematic differonce.

The large intercept at zero bedrock

radioactivity for the linear fit to the Harvard dosimeter
data cannot be explained simply on the basis of the

relatively constant cosmic-ray and fall-out dose contribu-

tions, which are less than 1-0 mr./week. Thereis certainly
no evidence to suggest that building materials produce
elevated radiation levels indoors in any consistent manner.
The intercept for the Health and Safety Laboratory results
is more reasonable, although also somewhat high. It is
interesting to note that, while an apparent linear trend

appears to exist for all sets of data, the interpretation of
this trend is not obvious. For example, the slope of the

natural y-dose regression line is only one-sixth of that
expected if the bedrock were the source of the radiation".
In a sense, the results shown in Fig. 1 provide a rough
indication of the influence of bedrock geology on soil
radioactivity and natural radiation exposure in these
areas. The effect is small and may beof practical significance only in the Conway area, where the reddish sand
derived from the thorium-rich Conway granite is present
in the soil throughout the populated areas. The trend of
the results in Fig. 1 may be indicative of some fairly
consistent relation in these areas between the bedrock
formations and their respective overburdens of soil in
terms of natural radioactivity.
The apparent nearlinearity of the population exposure estimates as a function
of bedrock radioactivity derives from the similar relationship between estimated mean soil and bedrock radioactivities, since the outdoor (and to some extent the
indoor) radiation-levels to which the general population is
exposed are closely related to the content of natural
y-emitting radioisotopes in the upper layers of the soil.
Fig. 2 shows the Harvard dosimeter data plotted
directly as a function of the Health and Safety Laboratory
1962 total exposure results. The high degree of correlation
(r > 0-9) between the Harvard and Health and Safety
Laboratory estimates of population exposure is evident;
a line of unit slope fits the data quite well. The 1-2 mr./
week value for the Y-axis intercept of this line is a measure
of the apparently systematic deviation between these two
sets of data. While not enough information is at present
available to explore this problem fully, one obvious possibility is that the pocket dosimeters consistently exhibited
enhanced leakage undor field conditions as compared with
that measured in the laboratory and corrected for in the
data interpretation.

Select target paragraph3