
I had already siven each one of them $30.00

wnich make up the total of

$90.00 (ninety dollars).

(t.irty dollars)


are the ope including myself who are awaiting for transportation.
With your permissiong


I will be willing to keep on providing

these patients until they reach their home with food,and that is
most important asrect,if you and Dr. Conard will reimb:rse me on later

I do not know :ow much concern you wovld have kad atzout these
unfortunate people if you were here with them but I am fully regret
about trem.I am visiting them once in a wiile seeins that they are aot
happy at all,They were lucky enoursh to find any friends who could put
them in their crowd@d rouse, aut the critical problem is that some money
tc be fed on.
Tris is our first week here at Ebeye, and I heard that we micnt
spend another week or two before we will be able to fo nome.Shall I then
procceed on to »rrovide them another (190.000 ninety dollars for another
ten days? Please advise ine,Sir,on such sucgestion.
Il estimated the fair price in any of these resturant here at

Ebeye for 3 meals a day. I was then cave them 33.00 (chree dollars)

a day which for these ten day starting from June 2ito lst.

I gave them the total of

of July

$90.00 (nine-dollars0? as mentioned above.

I tnourht I should do this for you and Dr. Conard concern for
anticipating that it will be very difficult for any peovle from Ronzelap to be willins to underso such mission as they did last ‘ear and
this year.They are even putting the blame on me for such unfortunate
I am trying myself to make any possible attempt in order to
medigate their heart.Itherefore withdrew my -part of my saving-to provide any means of food provision,
If vrou so agree sir,I will then proceed to provide food
consumption if you or AEC will be willing to make possivle reimbursement.


recards to Mrs.


and |
are giving their best
._-,yyour sons and the entire neibors.

They are looting forward to write you sooner.
for ever.

Our keep on remembering as our only friends never end


Sincerely vours,

Leite {Eb vr be

Billiet Edmond

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