
given are proportional to the acceleration a mass of water

would have if it were displaced vertically a distance of one

meter.The greatest stability in the entire area is just southwest of Bikini at depths of 75 to 125 meters.

A spot just west

of Eniwetok Atoll and another southwest of Taongi Atoll have
nearly as great maximum stability values.

The stability values

appear nearly constant (2500 to 3000) over the areas of the
main streams of Equatorial Current water.
Shoaler on the south than on the north side cf the area
studied, the depth of the 25 meter layer of highest stability
varies from 50 to 100 meters to 15C to 175 meters.

Its depth,

at many places, is just belowthe top of the thermocline, but
in other places, where temperature decreases with depth slowly

at first, it is nearer the middle of the thermocline.

In the

latter case, radioactivity may be expected to reach this depth
after some period of tine (probably within a few deys to a few

Fig. 13 shows the average stability for the upper 250 meter


Time for penetration of dissclved radiosulivity to 250

meters depth is a function of this quantity.

Smsll values at

the northwest corner of the area reflect the decp thermocline

In general, the magnitude of this average siebility

increases from north to scuth.
In the very deep water the stability remains positive, but

it decreases slowly to very near zero (Fige 9).


Oceanographers use characteristics of the water to define

specific water types as the aerolozist does with the atmosphere.

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The natural mixing cf a number of specific water types results




Select target paragraph3