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i Section shall not be construed to require such persons to live in
2 government housing should they choose to make their own housing -



Free medical care including medication, treatment, and

hospitalization shall be accorded to the persons mentioned in Section
3 of this act.







Section 5., Record of expenses.

The District Director of Health

Services and the District Director pf Finance shall be responsible for
maintaining records of all expenses incurred under the provisions of thi


Department of Health Services of the Trust Territory.


penses as incurred by provisions of this act shall be defrayed as pro~

act and the District Director of Health Services shall provide a quarter

report to the Office of the High Commissioner, the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Congress of Micronesia, and to the Director of theg®
The annual ex=

15 vided for in Section 10 of thie act.
Section 6. Procedures. The persons mentioned in Section 3 of this}
17 act shall initiate their request for transportation to a hospital faci- 4
18 lity with the health aide or other representative of the Trust Territory|
19 Department of Health Services. If a field trip vessel is at the island, §
20 the health aide, {f he believes the request is valid, shall ‘0 advise

the doctor aboard or the master of the ship in lieu of a doctor.

Tf the]

22 health aide is not on the island, the person should ask the magistrate, 4
23 council member, school teacher or other recognized commumity leader te 4
2 act in his behalf. This Section shall not be construed to allow personsj
25 the aforesaid bonefitea if the ailment or complaint could have been treate

3 of 6


Select target paragraph3