No new cases of nodular thyroids were found during a visit to
Utirik, nor were nodular thyroids found in controls on Likiep

and Kwajalein Atolls.

The major medical problem is to persuade the people to take their

thyroid hormone supplement on a regular routine schedule,

has not yet been solved,


To summarize, all but 2 of 19 children exposed on Rongelap have
now exhibited thyroid dysfunction as have a smaller but significant
number of adults. Statistics on the frequency of thyroid cancer
in Micronesians do not seem to be available;

the figures for 25

countries around the world range from 0,25 (Japanese males) to

(Austrian females) per 100,000 population,

Conard also visited Bikini to collect urine samples from the

25 Bikini men temporarily there working to rehabilitate the island;
these specimens 3b nn coconut crabs will be analyzed for

37¢s and 23



Plans are going forward for whole body

counting of the population before they return from Kili to Bikini.
A low key public announcement of these findings is being considered

by Brookhaven National Laboratory,

The seme information is being forwarded to Mr. Bauser for the
information of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy.


GE EEE day



John R, Totter
Division of Biology and Medicine

Select target paragraph3