

wnetser or not there is a conacoll which would preclude
x0i4, if the island is

from the health standvoint, we nced not addvess ourselves to th
Gotense Cuesvion.
naned %

However, you may be assured trav if the island
fe, we snucll inmcciately avproach the
“teials with respect to this
second question.
sais uestion may be

As a thivd stop, again assuming that the island is safe from the

healta svancpoint and whav the Dafenso requirements are such that
the neodle can return, iv will be necescaory to mount a massive

lanéelearine progran, village reccusvruction prograa, and crop-

planting program. Ta addition, the High Commissioner and we would
certainiy incend to do all sossibie to srovide economic opportunities
for the returned peovle which would lift them beyond the mere sub-



Sistence cconomr which they had vrior to their removal from the





Tae major islancs of tne Bikini Atoll are very heavily overgrown
actation which nas litvle
or no economic valuc. This growenh must be removed before any but
the most méarer 3i
ble on the island, It
is our understanding that there roenein very Tow coconut trees,
without wiich Life on a coral atoll is virtually impossible. There
ve Tew if any other plants crowing on the island waich would
sustain life for the returned peonle. Accordingly, once the noneconomic overgrowehn has been removed a mejor replanting program will
be required, While some crops in whe Pacific mature rapidly, it
takes seven years for a aewly~2
Dlenved ccconut tree to bear fruit.

Oovicusly, the solution to the problem of the people of Bikini is
now ome which can be effected immedi ately, even if we assume that

affirmative answers to our first two qucstions were available today.

I hope the foregoing info ma
Senator Case, We in the Den
seriously that Mr. Jenkins
Kili thecuga an anneal to th


11 be of held to you and to
oz the Interior regret most
en to try to help the people of
echi Council and thereoy to the

paroreunaselys che solution to the problem requires

sclentitic answers to scientific cuestions, plus a major effort in
terms of providing massive clesring, vec onstruction, and replanting.

Tne latver can only be accomplished, we believe, with the cooperation
oF the scveral involved executive agencies ofthe United States, the
Congress, and the pecple of the territory. At best, despite the
sense of urgency wnich the High Comnissioner and we have, it cannot

be accomplished forthwith.


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