Thursday, November 30 - 10:00 a.m., Room 213

9. AEC

- Isotopic Analysis of Canadian Plutonium

Report by Director of Research
10. AEC 119/

- Upward Revision by the Department of
Defense of its Requirements for Atomic Bombs in the
Light of Recent Developments in the Field of Atomic


Report by Director of Military Application
ll. AEC

- GM-44 - Reimbursement of Contractor Expenses

Report by Directcr of Organization and Personnel
le, AEC
- Policies and Practices Affecting Ccllective
Report by Director of Organization and Personnel



- Need of Large Plutcnium Power Reactor Project

Report by Director of Reactor Development

14, AEC

- Water Locp (Heavy Water)

Report by Director of Research
Thursday - November 30 - 2:00 p.m.,

Chairman's Office (Executive

15. Plutonium - U~235 Ratio
Discussion by Director of Production

16, AEC 99/
_—- Consideration of Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory Program fcr Calendar Year 1951
Discussion by Director of Military Application
Friday - December 1,


11:00 a.m.,

Agenda Planning Session

Chairman's Office

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