ae sane

applies only to effects and not to the development of the weapons thenselves, The
Alpha,18 category should be respected in this meeting."
W. E. Ogle, Commander Task Group 7.1 spoke as follows:

"I, too, would like to

welcane you to this meeting, am to what I suppose is essentially the beginning of

Operation REDWING,

Al has described to you quite canpletely, the general concept of

the operation fran the point of view of the mmber of shots and where they go and

the problems involved in firing them, so that I don't think I will have a lot to say.
I would like to add a few comments, however. The first, just so no week will go by
without some change, in particular this week, I understand that there is at least a
fair probability that the primary for this, which is a two stage device, will have
to be fired separately, fran a tower, which changes our schedule now. What was it,

15 minutes?"

Al Graves:

"I would like to point out that this is a remote possibility, however."

W. E. Ogle: "I will point out that a lot of this stuff was remote a week or 80
ago. I would also like to echo Al's comment about the support sections of 7.1, the
J-l to J=-& groups. Their purpose is to help you. If you have problems, either naw,
or at any time to the emi of the operation please feel free to take them to then.
They obviously, in helping you with a problem, must consider everyone elsé's problems,
but their cbject in life is to help you as much as they can, consistent with not
throwing everyone else out of their beds,
This is an extremely nasty program. As Al says, you can list certain dates here
but I myself, feel that the odds on firing the last shot on July 1 are quite remote.

I will point out that there are, between May 1 and May 15, around eight or ten shots

which is a shot every day and a half or same such thing as that. There are requirements thet are canmmon to all these shots, and I think we will have an extremely
difficult job getting the first two weeks done, let alone the first two months.
One reason for the schedulés being made up this way is due to troubles we had

during CASTLE.

As most of you know, during CASTLE, we had to fire shots dependent

upon the experiment ations being ready where that experimentation was the minimun
required to get what you absolutely had to get out of the shot and dependent, other

than that, on the weather.

This lead to the difficulty, that in many cases, although

projects and organizations wanted to know the answers very badly, you said maybe we
can live another year without this answer; and projects occasionally had to fall by
the wayside because we had to shift schedules around, move bombs fran one atoll to
aiother, and this sort of thing.





wouldn't be at all surprised to
see sane schedule changes between now” and six months
fran now - certainly, by the time we get into the operation, we will make every attempt
not to advance a shot - so that projects planning to work on a certain shot, will not



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