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W. E. Ogle made the following closing remarks:
I think this meeting has accomplished its purpose. It certainly has as far as
I'm concerned. I've received a few rude shocks and I suppose someone else has, such
as rockets being fired at bombs and fences a hundred feet high. I hope that this has
helped all of you appreciate the size and magnitude of the job we are undertaking.
I think you can all understand, not only from Campbell's statement, but from
everyone else's, the extremely tight schedule we are on and that we have very little
time to get this done. I think you can see that it is appreciably to your advantage
and ours to get every requirement that you can think of in as soon as you can,
especially those requiring construction or those that may cause interference with
some other project, so that such interference can be cicared up early in the game.
I suspect H&N are sitting back there grinning to themselves at this idle dream of ours.
I have a feeling that in about six months they will not be grinning so much.
I would like to thank all of you very much for coming to this meeting,

It is

probably the only one of this type that we will have = at least until we get into the


I suppose I can make the announcement as usual that J-l through J-6 will be open

this afternoon. I'm not aware that it's a holiday, and if you have any further information you can give them I'm sure they would appreciate it. Thank you all very much
for coming.

The meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM, July 27, 1955.

Dunean Curry, Jr.
Deputy for Administration

1 Incl:
List of Abbreviations

Select target paragraph3