







TALL should be prepared to

‘fireweek or 10 days earlier May at all possible.







This is going tote a long hard operation. Each of us has to retain a maximm
mnount of flexibility in arder to fire possibly two shots the same day in widely
separated areas. We cannot plan on taking instrimentation or materials from one
area to the cther for use, but will have to have enough to operate completely independently and be sure we have enough at the right place to do the job.
Too, construction requirements are greater than ever before and we are getting
them in later thanever before. Please get then to the AEC ani Holmes & Narver at
the earliest possible time,
This is the most ambitious program ever attempted - it consists of more shots,
will require more people and more housing, but the latter facility will be extremely
limited. Therefore it is mandatory that you be sure you need the people you take
out and then be sure that as soon as they are through with their jobs that they go
hone. Even then, we shall be forced into a "hot bed" system of living, eating and
sleeping in shifts.
L. M. Redman spoke in behalf of Ralph Carlisle Smith for Classification, as
follows: "We still are not sure who will be classification mmagers for the Task

Force or for Task Group 7.1, but in this interim period and until a new Classifi-

cation Guide for REDWING is prepared, use the CASTILE Guide as originally prepared

but not as amended.

It is hoped that a new classification guide willbe issued in

the fairly near future after responsibility for classification is decided. Specific
problems can be referred to us at Los Alamos or to your own organization's Classification Officer meantime,

For Security we shallbe dependent on Task Group 7.5 for basic Security edu-

cational material, but the right toreview this material by Task Group 7.1 is

One of the most common security violations during previous operations has been
the question of leaving classified documents exposed anid TI have been asked to caution
you about this, For this meeting there has been sane confusion regarding categorical

access clearances, for some of you have Alpha 1] ari some have Alpha 18,





Alpha 18

Select target paragraph3