


Project 31.1 — Vulnerability of Stockpile Weapons - H, E. Hansen = SC
This experiment is designed to study the vulnerability of stockpile we
thermonuclear and standard A bombs; and I want to emphasize this experiment
designed to test these weapons under any particular conditions of storage o:
carry. It is designed so that the instrumentation will be general and that
may be extrapolated to include any condition which might be of interest.
We wish to use Lacrosse for this experiment, and will have six stockpi:
on the Island of Runit, located at 500 psi, 200 psi, 75 and 40 psi regions.

ticular at 500 psi we will have a TX-15x1 case assembly; at 200 psi a comple

_ at 75 pei a complete TX-15xl and two Mark 5's; and at 40 pai a Mark 5. Wew
instrumentation shelter for hard wire instrumentation located approximately

between shot Lacrosse and the Blackfoot device, midway as far as the pressur
is concerned, and we will instrument approximately 120 hard-wire channels at

eation. In addition, we want to telemeter backup information from these uni
utilize 12 telemetering frequencies on a band from 215 to 235 mes, at about
and we would like very mich to transmit through zero. We will have two rece
ers for this telemetered information ~ one on Parry Island, in which case we
use the photo tower for our receiver antennas = the other Iocated on Engebdi,
would like to use the miti-building.
Construction-wise, Mr. Campbell has received prints of most of the cons
and I hope that he will be happy to hear that we have changed same of the mo
will not have any rigidly mounted weapons in this test at all, but they will
suspended, and this should simplify construction considerably.
As far as the operational plan is concerned, we will have approximately

from about April 1 until a week or so after Lacrosse, and we are requesting @

on Parry for assembly and testing.

This building will need to be in the secu

During the period prior to the Blackfoot shot on Runit, we will install our 8:
equipment here; and immediately after Blackfoot, or as soon as possible, we w
our weapons from Parry to Runit and complete check-out and calibration.

What do you plan to measure?

A: We will be measuring environmental conditions at each weapon location, wh.
be overpressure and "Q", On the weapons themselves, we will be measuring the
functions, or accelerations and thermal measurements - particularly on the cl
units, we will be measuring strain and case deflections, We'll monitor all t
and firing functions and fusing and firing equipment.







Select target paragraph3