Project 23.1 - Ball of Fire & Bhangmeter - Herb Grier - EG&G
23.2 - Cloud Photography

See Project 15.1, Program 15, page 67.
Project 23.3 - Time Interval Measurementa - Harry B. Keller - UCRL

23.4 - Time and Pressure Measurements
23.5 - Remote Time Measurements

We are planning to obtain information which is strictly of a diagnostic type
for three devices in which UCRL has interest, namely the large weapon devices,
Zuni and Apache at Bikini Atoll, and the smaller device Mohawk at the Ursula
complex, in the Eniwetok Atoll.
We plan on taking only one type of camera into the field, namely that which

Gaelen Felt just referred to as the Model 100 streaking-type camera witha
tingspeedof somethinglike 15,2-mm per microsecond,







omer 5



In the case of the time interval type of experiment we require no installation
of equipment at the zero site; however, in the case of time and pressure measurements, certain types of evacuated pipe equipment are necessary at the zero site.
The operational plan, as we foresee it presently, is to use the photo bunker
which exists, but which needs a certain amount of reinforcing. In the bunker
on Tare, we plan to install seven of these Model 100 cameras, and in a similar
photo station at Ursula, seven cameras to cover the two events, Zuni and Mohawk.
It will probably be necessary for us to move some of our equipment from the
Tare site to a site up around the Fox group of islands, in order to be able to
cover the Apache event.
We are beginning to do some experiments in the laboratory on coefficients of
transmission and resolution. For anyone doing photographic type experiments, it is
apparent that it is important that you can see and resolve that which you are
looking at; and, for this purpose, we hope to place at the GZ installations a
relatively small amount of equipment; namely, multiple light sources, which ve
can scan and from this obtain some information about our ability to resolve two
objects, and something about the light loss between the zero station and the photo

bunker; but as yet this equipment is merely in the experimental stages.



Select target paragraph3