


Project 21.1 - Radiochemical Analysis = R. H. Goeckerman ~ UCRL
21,2 — Sampling
21.3 = Short Half-Life Activities
Program 21 is essentially the same as Program 11.

There are a few minor differ-

ences in operational procedure. Project 21.1 is basically our radiochemical analyses
in the ZI at UCRL. Program 21.2, headed by Roger Batzel of UCRL consists of six men

who carry out the same general functions as Dr. Plank at LASL.

project, and is essentially cloud sampling.
ticulate samples.

This is our sampling

We are interested in gas as well as par-

Our requirements are similar to theirs, in that we want six aircraft flown
through the cloud at different times and different places, and with an altitude

capability commensurate with the cloud height expected of that particular shot. Not
all aircraft, but a minimum of two should have a capability of going to the expected
cloud height. One of the six men will be over there to check weather requirements
for firing a shot as far as radiochemical analysis is concerned; he will act as advisor
fran the control plane on the sampling operation,
Project 21.2 is also responsible for returning the cloud samples stateside, with an

additional responsibility that three of the six gas samples be returned to Parry

immediately with the first filter sample on UCRL shots. The gas samples, in general,
on practically all shots will be processed by the project which I will describe next,
Project 21.3. We have some slight interest in getting hold of some of the fallout
samples, but that is a matter which we will deal with just on the basis of hoping
to cooperate with NEDL. We are intcrested in some of the species present in the
fallout as they affect the validity of the radiochemical data on the debris present
in the cloud at sampling time.
Project 21.3 "Short Lived Activities". This project has two phases. The gas
sampling program is coordinated with requirements of AFOAT-1 who are interested in
analyses of gas samples; but our gas samples will be transported immediately to Parry
Island, where, in the compound, we will have a set-up to operate on short lived
things. We will separate gas samples there into their components, which will be count-

ed there, and also into water and C09 which will be bottled and returned to the states
some time in the order of a week later for analysis for tritium and carbon-l4. The
first filter to be landed in UCRL shots, in general, will be transported to this
laboratory also, where it will be subjected to radiochemical analysis for short lived
species which would either be lost completely, or else the accuracy of the data would
be greatly hindered, if the decay on transporting to the ZI were allowed to occur.

Project 21.3 will operate from about the middle of April to the bitter end of
the program, on the basis of about seven men continuously there, but with frequent
changes of the guard. The project officer for Project 21.3 1s Floyd Momyer, who will

be there at least half of the time.

In addition, we will have couriers or monitors

who will be sent out there to return with information and with the samples which have
been done.





Select target paragraph3