Project 18.1


Little Inch - CDR John A. Dudley - NRL

18.2 - Big Inch

University of Rochester
18.4 - Chord
Projects 18.1 through 18.4 are conducted by Dr. Stewart of NRL.

Projects 18.1

and 18.2 are concerned with Pueblo and involve measurements which have to do with
the behavior of the weapon itself. We will be using photoelectric techniques,
spectrographic techniques, and high-speed streak cameras for this work. The cameras
we will use will be the same as Gaelen Felt referred to as the Model 100's. The
spectrographs will be a combination of the Model 102 camera with a grading spectrograph. The photoelectric technique will be similar to what we used on Apple shot
The operational side will consist of a station on Gene, on which Bob Campbell
does not have the requirements yet. We will also have some 18,000' of vacuum pipe
consisting of six vacuum pipes running from the station to GZ. Five of these pipes

will presumably be 16" pipes; with the help of Bob Campbell and a steel mill, the

sixth pipe will be 36" in diameter. We hope to have a vacuum in the order of less
than a tenth of a micron, possibly down to two one-hundredths of a micron - I am
a little optimistic on that.
The number of people involved in this station will be about 22 people, and
the job as a whole will be similar to what we did on Apple at TEAPOT only on an

enlarged scale.






entitled” the “Chord”experiment,and in that we will observe Witt EDoblectric
and spectrographic instrumentation.

An argon flesh is so situated with respect to

the weapon that we observe the flash, and the radiation path will cross the line
of sight, so we will get information regarding the disturbance which the radiation
causes. There is some possibility we may put & vacuum system there so that we can
restrict the actual air path that we look at to some 10' or le’.

The work of 18.3 and 18.4 will be done by University of Rochester personnel -

Dr. Gordon Milne using the hAlf-speed, whirling-drum spectrograph. The 18.3 part
of that will be done by the J-10 personnel from LASL - if Don Westervelt is in
the audience, he may have a few words on that.
Some of these things are still in the mill; in fact, the only reason Dr.

Stewart isn't here now, is that he's back in Washington now trying to iron out
some of the difficulties we have so that we can tell J-6 what we want.

tion-wise, Campbell has practically nothing from us yet.

Select target paragraph3