




RAM 16

Project 16.1 - Temperature Measurements - Marvin Hoffman - LASL
16.2 = Time Interval Measurenents






DELETED ! project



near the zero point; it requires considerable construction near the zero point to
take this electronic equipment and provide radiation shielding. This is strictly
electronic measurement; the signals are detected at the zero point on Helen and
transmitted back to the coding station on Bogon, a recording station which is in

existence now, and recorded on scopes.

The transmission lines are of the best

prectical quality and quite expensive so we go to some effort to make detectors
which will cover an ample dynamic range which is three to four decades. This is
done with either photocelle or multipliers by making a non-linear device which will
respond somewhat in a logarithmic manner to the signal.
The 16.2 experiment is a gamma-ray detection problem - here we have detectors

both near the zero point and near the recording island.

The zero point detectors,

of course, again require transmission lines, so we use no more of those than are
necessary. The detectors near the recording station use a somewhat collimated
beam from the gadget. Again we require construction for the collimation of the
gamma-ray beam and ahielding to the recording station. Here the dynamic range is
not of such importance - at least it is reasonable to cover with linear detectors;
we will not use non-linear detectors here.

Project 16.3 - Electromagnetic Measurements - Ralph Partridge - LASL
Project 16.3 makes measurements on the electromagnetic pulse which was mentioned earlier. We're the people who were the pests rumning around asking everybody
to get their transmitters off the air. We'd be delighted if we could get the aircraft to turn their engines off at zero time too. We have a two-fold purpose we want to try and obtain diagnostic information, if at all possible, and we would
a@lso like to check out the theories on the electromagnetic stuff.
We want to have stations for measuring the early part of the signal in the
@lphe vicinity and on a longer time scale for, we hope, the probability of getting

time interval for Bill.

We'd like to try this a couple of ways.

We want to have

stations on both atolls, probably on Japtan which was done in GASTLE, and we want
to have a station in the vicinity of Enyu which I hope will not require construction;
I'd like to use trailers or something like that if we can do it, I don't know just
how feasible this is. We've just got started on this stuff, so I haven't had a

chance to talk to J-3 or J-6 about any of this yet.

Select target paragraph3