eceeRET ==

the peak.

This entails a little more than we normally would be doing -at least more

than was done on the CASTLE Operation. Originally we had planned to do the same
sort of measurements as were done on the CASTILE Operation, using remote fluor
techniques—a fluor on the barge, optics, and an optical collimation system in a
blockhouse located some three miles away. To be able to get somewhat better data
with less effort, both on our part and operationally, we are changing those plans
somewhat and using Bob Watt's station on Yurochi, and using multiplier detectors,
which we would be using anyway with remote fluor technique; and making a similiar
measurement to that which Bob Patten would be making in the normal Nevada-type
shots, and the same system which he is using on the Runit measurement.
This we hope will provide data of essentially the same accuracy which Bob

would be able to supply with a standard system; and there is no requirement in this
case for night shots, or fluors in the middle of the drink, or any of the night

operational difficulties people had on the CASTLE Operation. This should be somewhat simpler from our standpoint, and I think the data will also be considerably
better. We will not be usingoptics, The fluor and multipliers will be in contact
this way but at2,300 yards rather than to be doing it at three miles, It is
essentially the same measurement which Patten will be making from Namu except that
we'll be a little farther away.

That is essentially all I had for 13.2. 4s for 13.3, it is still up in the air,
and one cannot say anything about it at the woment. It will probably be done, and

any monitoring which will be done will most likely be by remote means, rather than
the system which we have used in the past. On TLAPOT, for example, it was done
remotely and this was satisfactory. I suspect that when Sandia does this, if they
do, it will be done by the telemetering method.

Select target paragraph3