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Project 13.1 = sniwetok Alpha = Bob Patten - EG&G

Grier has mentioned the participation of BG&G in the alpha program; I will
elaborate on this. Project 13.1 is the participation for close-in measurements of

alpha at Eniwetok and Bikini.

We have two large

blockhouses; one is located at

Eniwetok on Runit (Yvonne) and the other one is located at Namu in the Bikini
AtolL., Three shots will take place on Runit; Erie, Blackfoot, Lacrosse I. One
shot, Cherokee, will be at Bikini.

The Runit shot is a straightforward alpha

measurement which consists of detectors located up in the tower cab, base of the
tower and along the line back to the blockhouse. On Runit we will have anaverage

of 10 detectors and28 oscilloscopes for each of the three shots. |






The two types of detectors which will be used are photomultiplier detectors,
the scintillation photomultiplier unit, and the coaxial photoediode detectors,
These send signals down the transmission lines into the blockhouses, and into

three basic types of oscilloscopes. We hope to try out a new type of oscilloscope
to increase the range of our measurements in each detector so we can cover a

factor of 20,000 with one detector,

The main problem we have at the moment is the one on Nam which is a measure-

ment of the alpha of the first stage of the gadget.

Now, alpha is a measurement

of the rate of reaction or the rate of rise of the neutron reaction.

We measure

this by detection of the gammas from the bomb. On the Namu air drop, the 5,000!
altitude is based primarily on whether we can detect the primary gammas from the

reaction. The fireball is expected to come down and almost touch the ground, so
at the moment the best place for the station, from an experimental standpoint, is
right at GZ. The station will be a small station at GZ which should take the

blast, we hope, and we hope to recover data from the station. Recovery of data will
depend on how well the reaction takes place. If the bomb goes as expected, data
will not be recovered immediately. If it doesn't go as expected, a quick recovery
is under consideration. On Runit, the station is standard and no problems exist
there e

Herb Grier has already mentioned the participation of the BG&personnel

which will be shifted around for the various projects.

Project 13.2 - Remote Alpha (Scintillation) = John S. Malik = LASL
13.3 = ENS Measurement

Most of the field work of Program 13 is done by EG&, Bob Patten in this

particular ca:e., Measurements in this operation will be more than the usual
straight alpha measurements in that we also intend to, in most cases, go up over

Select target paragraph3