

Project 9.1 = Technical Photography = Lt Col J. G. James ~ WETD


Program 9 is essentially a support program. We have one project whereby we act
both as program director and project officer. We are concerned with all DOD projects
and their respective programs ard experimerts in providing them with necessary tech-

nical photographic support.
ami final report purposes.

We will also provide still photography for preliminary

For the most part, the technical photography is conducted by EG&G with the one

exception of the cloud photography. The actual aerial operation will be done in this
forthcoming operation by one of the military services, The 9.1 cloud photography, or

aerial survey as we call it, is essentially the same type of a survey that we ran on

CASTLE with the exception that this year we'll use all high-altitude aircraft opera-

ting at long ranges, fixed positions at zero time, ami a mission time possibly two and

one-half to three hours depending upon how rapidly the cloud dissipates or is absorbed
4n with the natural cloud cover,
On CASTLE, we had three aircraft operating at 10,000, 12,000 and 14,000'.


were handicapped by having to work at close ranges inasmuch as we were sharing the
aircraft with another program, We've been assured that for REDWING we will have three

high-altitude, minimum 30,000! altitude, airplanes.

The crews will start their crew training sometime early in January, we hope,

depending on modification of these airplanes and as most of you know who have been
associated with the cloud photography studies the success of this mission is entirely
dependent upon precise navigation, We can have the best photography in the world, but

without knowing exactly where we are in space at each exposure, EG&G states that it is
simply impossible to give either rate of rise or spread of the cloud or the stabilization point.

Doctor Fussel who is working on the project at this time believes that we will

probably use a different system of cameras. We will change from the standard aerial
type cameras to 70-mm cameras running in synchronization, probably four cameras, all
with clock timing tilt and azimuth marks recorded on the film.
The film will be processed this year at Parry Island, and a quick preliminary

analysis will probably be made at that time. The pr:liminary report data has to come
at a considerablylater date because it is a very long and tedious job to take each

one of these negatives and scale it from detonation time until the last photograph,

which we hope in this case will be when the cloud is no longer visible to the eye nor
ean be recorded photographically.
We have a number of projects who have requested the cloud survey data.

Some of

them are interested in it for meteorological aspects; others desire initial rate of

One or two projects have asked for complete photography from detonation until

the cloud has completely dissipated.

We hope that we will be able to furnish all

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