At present we are scheduled wane nay ~- one of which will be

Blackfoot, We have about 4,000 = 5,000' south of the present location which will
be just about right for our instruments. On Cherokee, we will have stations

located apparently on Dog, George and How Islands. There will be the same number of
instruments used for both shots; we expect to use ten each of the three different
instruments. There will be three persons in the FA, and our construction require=
ments have allbeen submitted. The latter consist of ten poles at each location
at distances as yet unlmown,

Any questions?


What range will your instruments cover?


We expect to be able to measure up to 70 calories per square centimeter per

second, with a workable range of 2 to 60 calories without trouble.
have been tested to withstand 25 psi overpressure.

Our instruments

(Mr. Ogle pointed out that most of the yields are "advertised yields", and Maloney

stated that they try to allow a plus or minus 50%.)

Project 8.4 = Thermal Response of Aircraft Structural - LCDR A. Julian - BudAer
Panels of the Bonded Sandwich Type
Project 8.4 has dual objectives: (1) the documentation of the thermal tolerance of the sandwich panel; and (2) establishment of this unknown number for
delivery aircraft. There is little doubt that the critical tamperature for the
Sandwich is substantially lower than the 350° F postulated for sheet stringer.
Important evidence to this effect was provided recently, in UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE as ay

matter of fact, by an AF experiment in which panels exposed to a Ot of only 200°
suffered up to 35% separation - face to core. This structure derives all of its
mechanical stability from the goodness of this bond so if we separate it, we don't
have a load-bearing item any more, We think it is vital to particularize the panel
response, especially in a long thermal pulse. Operationally, we plan to mount
three panel groups at one station on Dog; this is a change from our plan of two

days ago. We want to participate in Cherokee - and in Cherokee alone. We plan to
instrument a total of 27 panels. We are going to put thermocouples for radiation
incidence on this face as the exposed face and get down behind coring possibly and
fasten thermocouples to the back face of the exposed side. This will be done
mechanically for strength and for goodness of the electrical bond. We are going
to measure temperature-time histories, using these thermocouples.

Stations will

be on Dog adjacent to NRDL thermal stations so that we can use their calorimetric
data for correlations. We want to take pictures of the panels during the thermal

We are going to restrict them in some such fashion as this at the edges

here as a possible reasonable simulant to an aerodynamic load. This will be
difficult to correlate but it will be better than the AF experiment which had no
restrictions whatsoever. We think we can get a variation of about four to five
in maximum temperature rise by using three face gauges and three paint colors,

roughly a 100 to 400° F rise.

- 5h =



Select target paragraph3