
Project 5.9 - Weapons Effects on Missile Structures and Materials Lt C. J. Cosenza - WADC
_ We propose to be on Erie ghot. We hope we will have six atations, five of
which will be TV towers the same as in TEAPOT. The first station will be cantilevered off of the shot cab. This is our test array. We will have steel specimens
on the first three stations similar to TEAPOT. As for some of our other specimens,
I have one that will be used throughout the test. It is what we call a composite
specimen. It has a sphere, a cylinder, and a nose cone. This will be on all


It will be oriented head-on, tail-on and side-on.

Also we will have

different types of material at each station for the vulnerability of the different
materials, since we only had two on TEAPOT.
In the nose cone will be an eight channel recorder similar to the one that
we used on 5.10 - this is to give us a time history study of metal loss. Also we
will have acceleration measurements. In one of these, or several of them possibly,
we will bore holes, with a soft plug here, with a pin at this distance, and we will
have in the same specimen approximately three or four of these. And from calculation of the amount of indentation of this pin we can determine the acceleration
which was imposed on this specimen.
Also we will have overpressure measurements. At present, we are thinking of
having just a cylinder which will be hollow, and this will be head-on and also sideon and from this we can determine the relative effects of the acceleration and
Another part of the experiment, another objective, is to simulate re-entry of
an ICBM. This we will do as follows: We will have approximately seven mirrors

on Navajo shot.

These mirrors will be at a range of from 10 to 14 miles.


parabolic mirror with our specimen, approximately 3" in diameter, will be calibrated
with possibly strain gauges and also for determination of maximum temperature; and
we will have at this point cameras on each side. Also we will have cameras which
will be calibrated to give us the rate of rise and also the size of the fireball.
We will need timing signals for our specimens at H-15 minutes and H-2 seconds
and on our mirrors will need signals at H-30 and 15 minutes and H-5 and 2 seconds.

We will have approximately 16 people in the FA.

Bikini; the other 14 will be located at Eniwetok.

Two of those to be located in

is on the Mt shot.

The only need for photography

Construction drawings are in now, and we have a few changes on them, but by
the end of next week these will be corrected. For real estate on the kt shot,

which is the specimens on the towers, we will need from the point of burst (shot

cab) an area approximately 60° 500' from the tower. ‘The last tower array will be
300' and the other 200° we will need for recovery of our specimens.
That is about all.

Are there any questions?

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