Our planned participation is an average of eight shots per aircraft.

In the

case of the B-52 and the Bei7, these aircraft will only participate in the shots at
Bikini, and we hope to participate in all of them, if we can, Huron is questionable -

We may be able to get sanething out of this, The B-66, Beo57, Fe8F's, Fel01A will

attempt to participate in Pueblo, Mohawk, Lacrosse I and IT, if there is a II, Huron,

Zuni, Navajo, Apache, Flathead and Cherokee. This will be, I think, four shots at

Eniwetok and all of them in the Bikini area,

In all cases, it will be mecessary

for the aircraft to fly directly over GZ in order to obtain the desired time zero
I have sae totals which I'd like to give,

Project-wise, we will require

housing for a total of approximately 190 project personnel plus 85 personnel fran
a support standpoint « they are supporting us with the positioning equipment, MSQ,

shoran, Raydist, communications and timing devices which we need for the aircraft,

the data handling facilities and the instrument repairs.

flight test or the flying crew and the maintenance crew.

This does not include the

Approximately 80% of than

should be on Eniwetok Island. We require off-atoll support for six men at Wotho,
four men at Rongerik. I understand Rongerik is a weather station. Wotho, I under-

stand is uninhabited. (Note: Best information available indicates a native population

eof about 3%.) We also require approximately 14,000 sq ft of lab and office space.
This will be primarily on Eniwetok with some space on Parry.
We have five 10! x 20° concrete shelters we'd like to have on Bikini to hold

the Raydist equipment.

Tentatively, we'd like them on Elmer, How Nan, William, Able

and George. We need five 16' x 32! tents on Elmer, Glen, Bruce, Leroy and Wotho,
We have approximately 85 frequencies we need assigned.

Sanething ig the area

of 75,000 cu ft of shipping space plus the F-101A and the two FeSijF's, We need 500
sq ft of deck space aboard ship in the Bikini area for the Raydist master stations

and antenna; this also includes housing for approximately 12 of the Raydist people.

On the time zero transmission, I'm not an electronics expert, but I believe 1 can

cover it with what information I have. For the MSQ we've requested 210, 210.5,

2h1, 241.5, 2h2, 242.5 ami 243 mes, These should conceivably be operating at time

The other part of the MSQ system is the APWell in the aircraft.

for a flock of frequencies between 2700 and 2900 mcs,

We've asked

The Raydist system has quite

a few - they've requested nine frequencies for the airborne transmitter,

They have

a transmission power of around 60 watts, There'll be nine of those in the 1.6 to
2.2 me range. For the ground data links of the Raydist tracking systen, we have

60 frequencies between 20 and 2 mcs, In addition, we have a shoran which we will

be using on Bikini - I understand this is UHF, ani five telemetering frequencies

which we haven't pinned down as yet.

These will be part of the Raydist positioning


Project 5.7 = Thermal Flux ami Albedo Measurements fram Aircraft - R. L. Dresser = AFCRC

Project 5.7 is very clearly tied in with WADC Projects 5.1 through 5.6, in that


Select target paragraph3