Project 5.1 - In-Flight Participation of a B-7 Aircraft - Glenn C. Miller - WADC

5.2 = In-Flight Participation of a B-52 Aircraft
5.3 = In-Flight Participation ef a B66 Aircraft

5.4 - In-Flight Participation of a B-57 Aircraft

5.5 = In-Flight Participation of a F-8LF Aircraft

5.6 = In-Flight Participation of a Fel01A Aircraft

I have combined the presentations for 5.1 to 5.6.

They're very similar.


cjective is to measure the blast, gust ami thermal effects of a mclear detonation

on an aircraft in flight. These aircraft are B-52, Belj7, B-66, B-57, two Fe8F's
and one FelOlA.

With the data we hope to obtain, the criterion method used in pree

paring the Weapons Delivery Handbook may be verified a corrected. In addition,
these projects will provide basic research data for the design of future aircraft,
USAF or others, we hope.

Now it may sound like we're doing the same thing six times, but actually any
one aircraft will respond in its own manner to a meclear detonation, thereby demanding
its participation in order to define its delivery capability. To accanplish this,
we have to select and install mmerous instrmmentation panels, we must maintain and
operate them at a test site, and reduce and report the data after return to the ZI.

To do this, we have obtained the services of several contractors.

In the case

of the B-52, B-66, B-57, and the F-l01A, the aircraft manufacturer will be the prim

contractor; in the case of the two F-8F's, and the B-li7 - Cook Research Laboratories,
fhe Directorate of Flight and All-Weather Testing at WADC will fly and maintain the
aircraft in the FA,

The instrumentation which we will have installed prior to going overseas totals

around 1,565 channels, with an average planned participation of around eight shots

per aircraft. This totals around 12,500 data points as canpared to the largest
previous effort of 1,100 on TEAPOT.

Now the biggest problem, anong many which we have at present, is to position

these aircraft in space accurately. We have at present three systens, either available
or in testing phase. For the B-52, B-66, and Bel) » we have modified the airborne
banbing navigational systen in these aircraft, This has been used previously = a
Slight modification increases our accuracy and reliability.
In the case of the B-57, we plan on using their airborne shoran system. In
the case of the fighters, we're really against the wall. It looks like we'll have to
fly wing on one of the banbers, and compranise the desired position of the fighter to
the extent that it isn't canpatible with the desired position of the banbers.
We have a problem - we must locate these aircraft after the fact to be sure
where they were, accurately, On CASTIE, we started with the Raydist equipment, and
they modified this to a little better version for TEAPOT,. We feel that this is
reliable and accurate - we inten’ to use it to track all the aircraft on REDWING,



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