

To perform the majority of this instrumentation, we use a magnetic tape data
recorder ~ essentially the same system we have used on UPSHOT=-KNOTHOLE and on
TEAPOT. This system is now undergoing modification to adapt it to high-humidity

conditions and such that we expect on Eniwetok and Bikini.

We'll have a total of

1,0 channels of electrical recording - we'll also have 14 channels of self-recording

pressure-time gauges,

Operationally, we'll have men proceeding to the PPG approximately 40 days
before Cherokee = if this is firmed up to indicate 15 April, which there is some
indication might happen, this would be 40 days prior to 15 April - otherwise 40
days prior to 1 May. Approximately 30 days before Cherokee, the men will proceed
to Fox, I believe that is where they are to be housed ~ yes, we will have 1) men
on Fox. They will be operating on Dog, on Able, and on these three man-made
In order to expedite transportation, we are requesting helicopters to
transport these men to these islands - there will be space allocated on the islands
for landing of helicopters. An "M" Boat will be required to move the equipment

into these islands - the equipment will be approximately 1000# per island or a
total of 5000#,. After the equipment is moved in, we hope to accomplish all

transportation by helicopter, except in the reverse of the situation when we move
our equipment back out. On De2, we'll have three men leave for Parry. On D}2 or

D43, depending upon Rad-Safe conditions, we will recover records, at which time

we will have three more men move to Parry = the remaining five men will be
operating on shipboard and will be there approximately 12 days after the shot to
recover and in some cases do some recalibration of equipment. All our personnel

will be out of the area by D#l2, we hope.

Our construction requirements have already been submitted to Holmes & Narver,

I might add that construction requirements for Project 1.1 and 1.5 have also
been submitted to H&N. We're now awaiting the outcame of their design section

to okay their designs.

Select target paragraph3