Problem seven, monitoring
zardous assessment methods = studies will
be made to develop more efficient methods of appraising rad-safe situations on
board ship. Technical surveys will be provided by this group for the other YAG
pro jects.

Problem eight, basic contaminability and decontaminability studies laboratory development work is conducted on fallout simulants. The accuracy of
these simulants is always in question. Studies will be made in an effort to
correlate these simlants with radioactive materials. The C-D studies we're
interested in include all three shots in which the YAGs participate, but in all
of the other programs we're basically interested in the first contaminating event.
The success of the program depends upon the contamination of the air. We're
concentrating on using the forward part of the ship which requires that the washdown system remain off during this first contaminating event. We're hoping that

we'll obtain a level of at least 200 r/hr at one hour.
in the field, one officer and 20 emlisted personnel.

We will have 10 civilians

These enlisted personnel

are primarily concerned with the hazard assessment and technical survey. I
believe our construction requirements are in our July Status Report. Any questions?

Are the enlisted men to come from the Task Force?

Thats right, that is where we intend to get the 20 enlisted personnel, from
the Task Force,
Project 2.9 = Standard Recovery Procedure Evaluation - W. J. Armstrong - BuShips
2.10 = Washdown Effectiveness Evaluation

I would like to touch on the projects briefly and then spend a minute, perhaps,

giving you a picture of the operational cycle of the YAGs.

Project 2.9 is entitled

"Standard Recovery Procedure for Tactical Decontamination of Shipsg" Project 2.10
"Evaluation of Washdown Effectiveness" - and these really are support requirements

for the YAGs even though we ask for permission to document this effort any time
the ships are around.

The standard recovery procedure and the materials we will use are born of our
experience in CASTLE and many years of laboratory work at NRDL. We are going to
try to demonstrate to the Chief of Naval Operations, let's say for example that
in a military situation we can receive radiological contamination aboard ships
and recover each unit by itself without having to have shipyard availability; and

thereby relieve some cost and tedious work in the rear area,

The experimental procedure will follow the actual recovery of the ships after
each shot participated in. Participation is dominated by the fallout program of
AFSWP and is a primary mission. We might point out that there are almost nine
projects using the YAGs on these missions',.
As you probably remember from CASTLE, making these YAGs disappear is not a






Select target paragraph3