will be carried out on the YAGs and the eighth one at the Rad-Safe Center on
Parry Island. These problems involve the studyof the effectiveness of various
protection and decontamination methods, hazard estimates, personnel protection,
decontamination, and basic contaminability and decontaminability studies,

Problem one, removable radiological protective coatings = the principal
objective in this program is to evaluate the latest formulation of the above water
sensitive coating. This coating is being developed by the Mare Island Paint
Laboratory to NRDL's specifications. It is designed to be applied over standard
paint and to be removable at will with a pressurized stream of hot water. An
alkali sensitive coating is also being developed and this coating is included
primarily to study NRDL's surface destructive stepwise surface decontamination,

Problem two, chemical paint stripping - the objective of this study is to
determine theeffectness of chemical paint stripping system which was developed

in the progressive rehabilitation of the YAGs after CASTLE, The system involves
a spray application of a chemical solution and then flushing off the treating

solution plus the paint down through the red lead primer with a fire hose,

Additional information will be obtained which will contribute to the studies

of decontamination.

Problem three, mechanical scrubbing methods - the value of hand scrubbing

has been recognized for some time as a decon method, but it is time-consuming

and arduous.

The feasibility of using a mechanical scrubber on board ship will

be investigated,

Problem four, protection of miscellenous shipboard materials ~- it was observed
on Operation CASTLE that various shipboard meterials, such as tarps, canvas,
manila lines and etc., become highly contaminated and are virtually unaffected
by standard decon procedures.

A program will be carried out to study the possibi-

lity of protecting these materials,

Problem five, methods of reducing radiation from contaminated wood decking =
wood decking becomes highly contaminated in all contaminating events and it
becomes necessary to resort to surface removal techniques to clean it up, and
there is a limit to how far you can go with such procedures. Basic information

will be obtained which will contribute to the development of protective measures.
Problem six, skin decon and protection methods = the hands of many of the

decon crew got highly contaminated on CASTLE and in one case it vas impossible to

clean up one man's hands after scrubbing for a period of three days. He was only
able to reduce the level to 20 mr. A hunch was played and we tested out our

waterless hand cleaner and we were able to clean his hands down to background in
two applications. But, unfortunately, this incident occurred near the termination

of the operation and we were unable to get sufficient data.

In addition to cond-

ucting a detailed program on this decon procedure we will study the effects of

barrier creams in minimizing the contamination problem.


Select target paragraph3