


Project 2.7 - Ship Shielding Studies on : a =- NRDL

Project 2.7 is concerned with shielding studies.

This would essentially be

a phase of a long range program of trying to establish shielding tactics for

various compartments in areas on combatant ships. In order to help this type of
study, we have to find out something about the relative importance of the various
radiation sources that affect the various compartments.

We know that one radiation

source would be the ship's super-structure, decks, etc. Another would be the
contaminant in the water, and surprisingly enough there seems to be a significant
amount of radiation coming from the air surrounding the ship. We are planning to
study this particular phase of the probiem by using detectors which we have used

We intend to shield some of these in such a way that some

are essentially looking up only at the air. They are being shielded from the
water and the deck, Others will be located below the water line and shielded so
that they are looking out thru the shell of the ship at the water only. The rest
of our stations will essentially look at all radiation. By mears of this we hope
to get some idea of the relative importances of the radiation sources. Another
thing we want to do is essentially confirm and expand on the interruption studies
made in the steel pipes at Operation CASTLE. We plan to have pips thicknesses ranging

between 1/4," and 6",

We will have about eight of these of various thicknesses and

one correlating station that would have no shielding whatsoever.
would have identical geometry.

The other stations

The detectors to be used in this operation are becoming somewhat marginal in
reliability. They require quite a bit of maintenance, which will mean quite a
few people out in the field in order to maintain and check, For this reason,
there is a development study going on, or will be started pretty soon, for new |
detecting system that will be far more reliable, cheaper to use, ami so on. We

plan to use RODWING as a field test for some of these new detectors which will
be developed by then, we hope. Another development that we are interested in is
essentially a rotating shielded detector which would be so mounted that in rotating
it would scan in succession the decks, the water, and the sky. This will help in
the separation of effects for one part, and it also may find use later on to give
the Captain of the battleship a quick idea of just where his radiation is coming
from, especially in determining whether to turn the washdown on when you have
contamineted water.

You might just mke the situation worse by spreading this

all over the ship. About nine people are scheduled to be out in the field. A
good part of these men would be mainly for the maintenance of the instrumentation.
This maintenance, incidertally, would apply also to some of the detectors that will
be used by other projects aboard these YAGs, The number of shots we participate
in will essentially be controlled by Project 2.6.3. We plan to participate every
time the YAGs go out and participate in any event. I believe the construction

requirements should be in by now. This would involve minly working spaces, which
I would like to see coordinated with the other NRDL problems so we could save space
and other requirements.

Project 2.8 = Ship Countermeasures Method Studies - R. H. Heiskell — NRDL

Shipboard countermeasures studies consist of eight problems.






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Seven of these

Select target paragraph3