__ ‘7?
te some period of time.

in this area, and remained suspende

made measurements as far out as Dé/3 ard
guishable as a correlated mass,


Actually, we

Dé, when material was still well distin.

Primarily, we want to find out two things by the use of airplanes for fast
coverage: first, where the material is laid out, and second, how much. Where the
material is, is really an operational problem. We plan to fly our aircraft so
that we can find the gamma ray pattern from the sea,

One of the problems that inmediately arises is the location of the aircraft;
this problem is under discussion at the present time. We will always plan on an
aircraft with navigators so that we can fall back on them as a final backup
system. This is how we find where the fallout is located,
The amourt of material is a correlation problem between the various projects
involved. The gamma radiation measurements at a fixed distance above the surface
can be correlated to the specific activity of the surface layer of water. The
gamma ray rating at a fixed altitude can be determined by a correlationto an
altitude factor. The altitude factor depends on where the plane is wrking. The
equipment is tied in through a radar altimeter to automtically correct the data
to a fixed surface level. These altitude factors bear further investigation. We
have been investigating them for five years. We have a nice mass of data that
seems definitely reproducible, but in some places it is not adequate. The data
seem to follow air absorption.
We will analyze surface layer water samples and correlate them with other
projects. This means picking up duplicate samples to correlate with the worldwide fallout program. In the field we will measure gamma, For early time studies
at Parry Islarnd we will measure rate of decay, absorption, ganma spectra and of
course specific activity both beta and gamma. We hope through the spectrum measur—
ements and some chemical techniques to partially delineate the material present.
If we knew the materials that were here we could calculate everything out and it

would be a lot simpler, but we don't, and we will only carry this on as an additional part of the study. If we reach a beta per gamma measurement through our
surface measurements there still is a question of how much material is below this.
This is based on two things, first, the Scripps' study of dispersion and material
mixing. In addition to the time of arrival data for fixed points which we hope

will be available from the YAG, we will know where the materials start to fall out,
and the study of the dispersion based from this time, will give dispersion factors.

This is the analytical phase,

Duplicate samples will again be returned to the New York Office so that our
analytical procedure can be carried on over several months or lomger to relate
to the material that we find in fallout on a world-wide basis,
AFSWP is particularly interested in the study of the fallout from Cherokee,
Zuni amd a barge shot, possibly Navajo. On these shots we will correlate with
the other projects. In addition we have a requirement to study the fallout
patterns on a tactical basis, and we plan to cover the large Bikini shots.


Select target paragraph3