
particles. Unfortunately, we'll need about 25 or 26 people, not counting enlisted

men, in the area. These will be operating for the most part off the YAGs although
there'll have to be some collection teams at Enyu and Parry. Our construction
requirements are in. There is a slight modification with regard to beacharea,
but this is noted in one of the status reports. Any questions?

Would you please stop in to see J-3 at your earliest convenience?


I'l) join at the end of the line,


Who do you have in mind to help you mount these platforms?

I have in mind that H&N might help us mount some of the equipment on there
and perhaps with the anchoring as I'm not familiar with this procedure. The
actual craft have been requested through BuShips.


Will the YAGs operate their wash-—down systems?

This answer has to be qualified somewhat. Other interests on the YAG would
like to have the YAG operating with the wash-down on part of the time, so our

plan is on one of the YAGs to have it operating all the time, and on the other YAG,
to have it operating on at least two-thirds of the ship all the time.
be one-third that we'd like to have with no wash-down particles,

There may


I understand you are planning to have large numbers of the YAG crews live


I'm not sure of the number of people in the crews of the YAGs; however, we

ashore part of the time.

Is that correct?

are planning for them to live ashore part of the time, and I would imagine they

would come to near 100,


How about the packing and shipping of your sample returns?


We hope to process, at least as far as packing them for shipment, some of

them during the trip from location back to Parry.

However, we hope to have all

samples go through our installation on Parry, And then from there, I really should
have mentioned that we plan to have two trailers in which we perform some early

time studies on Parry; therefore, some will be examined at that point and the

rest will be shipped out,

Project 2.6.4 = Early Aerial Survey < Robert L. Graveson = NYOO
This is entitled sarly Aerial Survey.

"Early" is a qualified term which we

will come to when we start talking about the schedule operationally.


we have been using aerial survey techniques back as far as IVY on land masses.

Towards the end of CASTLE we found, somewhat to our amazement, (Scripps was no=

where near as amazed), that the material which fell out in the ocean was dispersed


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