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In addition to interpreting COis sane direct interest

in just fallout on water surfaces, 3

Particularly as cities such as Milwaukee and >

Chicago are contemplating more and more interest over waters,

Our other interests

are that Scripps is also attempting to obtain basic information on the way the ocean
disturbs this picture so that in the future these types of surveys can be done on
somewhat simplified plans, The NYOO has a method of determining the delineated
fallout area by aircraft. Essential to this is the knowledge of the nature of the
mixing processes, We will try to relate this to oceanographic factors and will
have to measure these carefully, so that the aircraft data can be interpreted ade~
quately. We hope, perhaps, that the next time such fallout studies can be made in
a much abbreviated way.
Basic to all this is a very considerable knowledge of the way the ocean operates,
particularly the way it distorts the pattern, Consequently, on this program, we ine
tend to have an oceanographic vessel out there scme weeks before the event, under the

leadership of Horrer, and intemd oceanographic information to be taken so that this
can be accomplished with a high degree of certainty.

Operational procedure than is tied in very closely with the NYOO and with NRDL.
We hope to establish a central plot. I think this may be better done (I'l just

briefly mention this) if the three participating agencies have both the incaning and
outgoing information at some central source, presumably afloat, with good canmmuni-

cations to the ships,

Particularly important in this and in the preceding oceanc-

graphic survey is sane precise navagational control. This is under discussion at
this time. This is very essential both to the aircraft and to the ships. We have

asked for two destroyers for late D-Day probably and until D¢2 to assist us in the

oceanographic vessel in delineating the area at samething that approaches a synoptic
survey and in obtaining some early information on penetration, Penetratim information
will also be gotten from YAGs. The oceanographic vessel, being slower, will go in
Slowly and get later information on the penetration and cover the area for same days
depending on the schedule.
In addition to this we are putting out sane deep-moored stations.

We think we

will put out approximately 16 up to the north of Bikini Island and these will go out
to a radius which has not been determined, but somewhere between 20-50 miles out, and

they will be scattered out up there. Those, we hope, will survive during the entire
operation of these big weapons, They willbe similar to the type of deep-moored
stations that were put out for IVY and WIGWAM, except they will be designed for longer
life, NRDL will have fallout collectors on them and we will have simple penetration
measuring devices that will determine at least the arrival of the mixed fallout

products at several levels. There is, I think, sane duplication of effort here, and
there is no doubt that sane part of this program, if everything went well, would ace
complish the objective without the camplete participation as planned.
I believe it is the feeling that this is a preblem of sufficient exigency that
it has to be backed up; hence, we are most anxious togt the destroyer information.
We want to put ourselves in a position, if there is a delay of two days getting in
there for any unforeseen operational reason, to be able to get the best information

that can still be obtained. Present plan is for participation on Cherokee, Zuni and
Navajo by these three agencies; I think there will be no participation in any of the





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