



tip of Charlie. On Yuma and el = are maxis up to the tower, These
are tower shots and on Blackfoot we have plenty of room, so we plan to go out
several thousand yards on these and Yvonne is a good island. However, in the case
of Osage, where it is apparently being planned to be a low air drop over the central
part of the lagoon, because of the lack of land out there we would like to suggest
that, as far as we are concerned, it should be shot over either Yvonne, or in the
Sally group of islands, Sally, Tilda, or Ursula.
Q: Have you taken into consideration that you have other installations on that
group of islands?

Well the only solution I have is that we will have to have more discussion of

closer stations for Osage or use more floating stations.

Another problem that is important for us is the symmetry of the weapon.

We have

to know if we need single lines, or two lines or three lines, and in some cases we

may have more plans for more wires.

In the tower shots we also need to know if

there is any interference in the path of the line of sight of instruments at our

stations. Our construction requirements are fairly good except for Osage.
plan to have seven people in the FA. Any questions?



Will you please come into the J-3 office to discuss the sample return require-


Yes, I'll do that.


Project 2.6.1 ~ Rocket Sampling of Fallout at Early - R. Soule - BuShips - NRDL
Times and High Altitude

The first objective of this project is to proof test a system using rocket-

borne detection units and telemetering transmitters to explore the spatial distribution of radioactivity in the stem and cloud resulting from a nuclear detonation.
The second objective is to measure gamma intensity along several continuously known
trajectories passing through the cloud and stem at 10 to 30 minutes after detonation.

It is planned to participate in Cherokee, Zuni and Navajo.

A 6" diameter rocket

capable of attaining 170,000' altitude, bearing a radiation detector and telemetering equipment, will be used to achieve the specific objectives. A launching
revetment will be constructed on an island at a distance of 10 to 18 miles from

the shot point (this indicates the island of Bikini).

A receiving and tracking

station will be set up on a ship to be stationed at about 40 miles from the shot

point on a line at right angles to the flight path of the rockets.

It's planned

that up to 14 rockets could be fired in two salvos of seven simltaneous firings
for each of these three shots. The complete rocket, including the telemetering
head,and the radiation detection device, is to be supplied by a contractor,


contractor will also fire the rocket in the field, receive the information, reduce
the data, and supply it to us. On the other hand NRDL, in consultation with
other interested persons, will indicate the volume that the rocket should traverse,

Select target paragraph3