available on Runit, so the possibility exists of sharing a structure with some
project on Runit. If not we will have to build some kind of instrument shelter.
We have plans for these. We have details of the gauge mounts for approximately
three-fourths of our stations, the other quarter remains yet to be designed. We

plan to go out into the field with six to eight people.

the island approx 1500' and 3,300' from GZ,

The models will be on

Project 1.8 ~ Crater Measurements - John G. Lewis ~ ERDL
Project 1.8 will make crater measurements on the ground surface shots of the
operation, on Huron, Zuni and Lacrosse, Will make early mapping runs over the

- eraters after bursts.

Cameras are tied in with altimeter, giving scaling control,

No ground construction is necessary for this part of the experiment.

In addition

sounding for depth of crater will be made as soon as radiologically possible after
each shot. Sounding is the extent of J-6 support. There will be one person in FA.


Who will make these soundings?

A: We plan to make soundings on 3 diameters, 5 soundings per radius, or about 30
measurements per crater. We are conducting this for AFSWP, Picture taking will
be done by Program 9.
Project 1.9 = Water Wave Studies - John Isaacs - SIO
The main object of this project is to understand the surface water waves
generated by nuclear weapons. There are two modes of generation: one, by direct
impulse on the water in a central region; two, air-coupled wave which builds up
with distance to considerable ranges and has equal parts of energy. The information we gather from these shots (the large shots, that is) will not be mch of
anything new, but will only better the information we have now; unless we can
persuade AFSWP to put a high priority on a small kt shot in the deep lagoon which
will be a good model of a Mt weapon in deep water and will, I believe, solve a
great problem as far as what the generating capabilities of a Mt weapon on the
surface or slightly under the surface of deep water. Dr. Van Dorn has been studying
air-coupling waves that are generated.


He intends to continue his studies on this

We will have four land stations at Bikini, Enyu, Airukiiji, and Chieerete. We
will activate the proper land stations for all shots in the Bikini Atoll. Will use
floating stations for the larger shots. There will be a station at Parry Island,
outside the lagoon, and one inside the lagoon. We will have one station at Sifo on

Ailingnae. Would like to have photography of the waves coming over the islands.
The distant stations are - Guam, Canton, Wake, Eniwetak, Ailingnae. One man will

be on Eniwetak and six men will be in Eniwetok - Bikini area. This does not count
the men in the distant stations. In conclusion, Colonel Kerwin asked Mr. Isaacs
to drop into the J-3 office, and the reply was in the affirmative.




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