

Project 1.5 - Drag Characteristics of Various Shapes - Ralph Reisler - BRL
We plan to: one, investigate the aero-dynamic drag characteristics under
transient loading conditions of actual and’ idealized shapes; and two, we want to
investigate the response of drag-type targets and continue the statistical evaluation
studies on military vehicles.

The actual shapes to be used will be standard full-

scale wide-flanged "I" beams 10' long, and standard angle iron sections 6' long.
The idealized shapes will be 3" and 10" spheres. These items will be exposed at the
3' level on Cherokee. Two of the "I" beams and angle iron stations will be on two

planned man-made islands of Project 3.1, at a pressure of 8 = 6 psi. Two 3"
spheres and one 10" sphere will be included with the "I" beam and angle iron

located adjacent to the Island Dog Station of Project 3.1 = at a pressure of 3.5
psi. Also, a complete drag station will be located on Island Able in the 20-25 psi
region. Under present plans, 50 channels of information will be obtained. Record=
ing will be done by the BRL Structures Instrumentation Project 3.10. To carry out
the second objective, jeeps will be used as response gauges and will be placed
adjacent to the basic medium stations. Damage evaluations will be made on all
vehicles exposed. Participation here will be on Zuni and Lacrosse with a moximum
of six stations being established for each, covering a pressure range of from 5 15 psi. We will have s total of seven men in the field - four civilians and three

Project 1.6 - Drag Structures = Joseph Petes - NOL
This project is very similar to 1.5 of BRL with drag measurements being made on
various targets. The primary difference is 1.€ measures drag loading on model
targets. On REDWING we plan to continue the work started on TEAPOT. The ultimate
objective is to be able to predict on actual targets under specific field conditions, drag loading, on the basis of laboratory wind tunnel and shock tube tests.
Therefore, on REDWING most of our models will be simple geometric forms in order
to simplify the problem of comparison with previously conducted wind tunnel and
shock tube tests; and we will also have some models which will represent actual
targets such as bridge members, and we hope to be able to instrument some models

which will represent scaled models of structures used on previous operations. The
models which we contemplate using will be spheres which we had on TEAPOT, three
10" spheres essentially, mounted on stings. We hope to put out infinite length
cylinders, circular and rectangular cross sections, cubes, and some scaled versions
of previously used full scale structures. We plan to participate on shot Erie, which
will give us two conditions which we would like to investigate, one, a clean Mach
region, where we plan to put our gauge stations, approximately 10 models in about
five psi static level. These measurements will give us direct correllation of
such factors as drag coefficients, dynamic pressures, and drag forces, with wind
tunnel and shock tube tests. We plan to put 10 models in a precursor which we
hope to obtain on Erie. The instrumentation consists of force gauges which will
measure force in three logarithmal components. The recording ~- transmission system
js FM and the recording will be on magnetic tapes. The ‘construction requirements


were submitted last week to DWET, and I understand there are no existing structures

Select target paragraph3