
The project monitoring load in past operations on TU 7 has been such that our

present intent is to cut down that tremendous load. We would like to have ail
projects, wherever possible, provide their own monitors, as radiological safety is

a comand function and responsibility. Wewill provide schooling so that people
can be properly briefed to folla prescribed procedures; amd provide the proper

instruments, clothing, film badge services, etc., for the group monitors,

A school

will be set up stateside sometime in January for the purpose of getting monitors

trained during a four-five day course, and overseas a review one-day course before

the operation starts should enable monitors to brush up on proper procedures. Should
project leaders desire to train their am monitors they may do so, bu} it is desired
that they certify to me, by name, as to the competence of the monitors they choose;
and it will be their responsibility to see that proper radiological safety methods

are carried out.

course overseas.)

(Note: All monitors will be required to take the one-day review

It is requested that you specify in your next status report the

mmber of monitors you want us to train for you, so that plans for the school may
be initiated. It is expected that people who serve as monitors will be in the FA
in other working status, and that monitoring can be done in connection with their other
Bill Ogle urged people to do two things, one to take advantage of the project
monitoring program because it has proved so valuable to the projects in the past, ese
pecially in having your own people, people you know rather than strangers, to help
you in your program. Also, if you have more than one monitor, you have greater
flexibility, expecially if you are involved in more than one shot, or you may use
up the dosage allowed to some of your people, The second point is that because of
the housing shortage we would much prefer you use people who are there in other working
status as monitors, rather than bringing people specifically as monitors, if at all
Major Jacks came back to say that the monitar pool will
the past but not to count on that as their primary source of
there for such things as pre-entry surveys, ami in the event
people are burned ont, I can provide monitors for you, but I
come running to me all the time for that,

be present there as in
monitors, They will be
of emergency, if your
certainly hope you don't

loris Gardner spoke for the Documentary Photography Unit as follows:

Task Unit

8 is a service group devoted to supplying untimed technical photography coverage limited in this operation to LASL. Another group from UCRL will do for them what we

are going to do for LASL, and Lookout Mountain Laboratary will undertake to cover for

the Department of Defense,

Task Unit 8 will be based primarily on Parry in Building

#210, where there are dark roans and work rooms, We will have a photo truck on

Bikini near our office tent.

The storage problem for film is solved by a walk-in

icebox in Building #210 and, in addition to this, we have found it necessary to

provide storage reasonably secure fram fallout. We have been provided with an undere=
ground storage vault which is not too satisfactory, and we plan tentatively to store
a supply of sensitized materials of the record type in Hawaii so we will have a
backup there. So far have not definite requirements fran LASL so have not plamed
personnel-wise; however, we will take care of the LASL needs, as requested, for aid





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