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main office on Parry (Elmer) and a subsidiary on Rojoa (Ursula); at Bikini the main
office will be on Enyu (Nan) at the other end of the air line, with a subsidiary on
Enimman (Tare) to look after the UCRL problems there.
In the Operational Phase, J-3 has the supervision of the actual operation

itself - maintenance of the shipping schedule between atolls, movement within and
between atolls, phons and radio communications, vehicle support, special support

requirements (boat, ship, aircraft, barges, etc.), and sample return.

Roy Reider mummarized the following points on Safety: Safety administration
on a test operation is a command function - therefore, it is the responsibility of
all supervisory personnel to see that high standards of safety are maintained in their
work. So far the safety record for LASL personnel has been good = and this is
attributed to the long planning and sound preparations, rehearsals, etc. No special
manuals on safety are issued by this group; however, standard safety rules and mamals
of the laboratory at home are used for guidame.
J-1 it ig possible for LASL personnel to chbtain special safety glasses
with especially hardened lenses ground to prescription, and it is urged that you

obtain a pair.


There are many hazards in connection with low voltage electricity in a humid
climate; therefore, you are urged to take extra caution for properly grounded
equipment when handling electrical equipment of any kind.
All personnel will have physical exaninations before departure = and in selecting
people to go overseas, it is urged that you not only pick them for their ability
but also for their agility; intra-atoll transportation is Very rough on Bikini
Lagoon and personnel require vigorous activity for this travel. Should accidents
occur, standard accident reporting forms are used in reporting to the hone stations.
Major Gordon Jacks, Commander Task Unit 7, reported for TU 7 on radiological
safety. This unit has the responsibility for radiological safety, They will do
radiological sampling of water supplies and soil samples, check personnel and equipe
ment entering and returning fran contaninated areas, maintain and supply photodosimetry badge records, decontamination services, protective clothing, etc. Because
this is a widespread operation, we have had to set up essentially two individual
organizations. We will establish two centers - one at Bikini and one at Eniwetok.
In each center we will have what we call a Control Group under which the project
monitors will be controlled as far as entry ani return from any of the contaminated
areas are concerned, Both of these centers will be essentially organized the same,
but there will be a difference in mumbers of personnel, Bikini Center will be such

that it can operate afloat or ashore, whichever is feasible. Eniwetok Center, of

course, will be maintained on Parry tstand. Check points will be maintained far
Rad-Sate cartrol of entry into the area at any place where a party might originate
to go into a contaminated area,

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