

Island to start with, and then are distributed throughout both atolis as needed.
So, the people taking care of the banbs are obviously going to buve a very difficult
time, because, they normally have to know at least a few days ahead of time that they

are going to have to fire a particular shot.

be extrenely flexible.

They will have to arrange things to

We intend to fire the shots with two timing distribution stations, one on Enyu,

and the other on Parry Island; and the people taking care of those stations, plus

the timing wires and radio signals going all over the place, are going to have quite

a little time being able to switch fran one shot to another; ami to do ons shot,
make dry runs, and be able to fire another a day later, or the same day. This does
not at the moment appear impossible, but it is going to be quite a thing. The
timing signals for the air drops also go through these two stations where the seq
quence timer can aiso be started by radio signals fram the plane.

We have, presumably, the ability to sample clouds on at least two shots essentially
simultaneously. I have a feeling again we are going to run into trouble wen we
start doing 10 shots in two weeks, All in all, I think TI have just time to say here
that there are many groups, and I have mentioned sane, that are going to have a great
anount of difficulty in being able to do all of these with the uncertainty in schedule
that we have to have there. We have to have it because if we put all of these dowm
on a definite date, in series, the operation wold go to Christmas, and might anyway.
There are mary shots here which are anall, these six, and there are essentially no
weather requirements on these shots at least none with respect to fallout. We presum-.
ably still have to have a clear path to take pictures, and a few things like that,
but the requirements are canparatively simple. On the other hard, some of the large
shots on Eniwetok will have to be treated very carefully, weatherwise, because we

cannot afford to get sufficient fallout downon Parry and Eniwetok thatwe have to









we eee

I think we can do this = it is oviously very aztbitious - but whether we can
er not depends wholly on you people. I think the preblem has been presented, ami
perhaps even over-emphasized, and we will try wherever we can to make it as easy as

possible. We might even be able to build at least one or two extra tents.

I have a

feeling we will also probably have a Fourth of duly party out there. I think I have
nothing else I want to say and it's perhaps worthwhile to get on with the meeting.
If there are any questions I would be happy to try to answer then."

After the Coffee Break (fran 10:05 to 10:25), Duncan Curry introduced the Task

Unit Camsanders and key staff personnel who would not be speaking, and he explained
the task group organization chart, which had been distributed with the brochure. He
stated that in the preparatory phase the DOD programs function under AFSWP while the
laboratory programs function pretty much within their own normal administrations.
The entire organization is designed to support the four major task units in Going
the four experimental programs.



Select target paragraph3