

and Resettlement.


As with Bikini Atoll, responsibility for cleanup

and vehabilitarion rests with the DOD and DOI resvectively. AEC
js vesponsible for conducting a raclological survey, coSeasing
the results, and establishing criceria and constraints for cleanup
and rehabitation, involving other agencies, as appropriate.
Organization of the Eniwetox Raviciogical sucvey, nov urderovar,


io chom

in Figure 3. The ‘Washington Interagency Group is charged with coordination
of actions to effect overall Enivetak Atoll objectives.
The Manager, Nevada
Snerations Office, his been directed to plan, organize, and conduct the
AEC radiological fiuad survey to duveliop sufficient aula

cn lhe total

radiological environment of Snivetok Atoll. Technical’standards and
requirements for the survey and cleanup operations will be provided by
responsible divisions within AEC Headquarters.

The Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research (DBE)
has the responsibility for reviewing and guiding the
preparation of a report on the radiological status of the
atoll. This report will be prepared by the Data Evaluation
Group at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.


The Division of Operational Safety (DOS) shares res ponsibility
with PBER and the Division of Military Application (DLA) for
paocirdes Che survey.
POS WLiL provide vhe coordination of .
thece stians and

cbetr extension during the survey wlth the

ASsiseaut Geueial eee Ge Zor Lavisornment and SeTery CAT TU.
DOS will also provide information on tne survey to EPA staff
at the Washington levei upon request. DOS will review and
evaluate all data and assessments relevant to the feasibility
of vertans clotreo mechods and methods for disposal of
hazardous matoriais.

Cleanup criteria, requiresents,

guidelines, and environmental and health protection standards
to be employed curing cleanup cperations will then be
develcped by DOs in consultation with appropriate AEC staif
sections and other agencies.

The AGT has the overall authority and responsibility within
the ATC for coordinating matters related to the rehabilitation
of the Eniwetok atoll.


program supurinposed ca 2a nunber of technica


Survey acrivities and analytical 2tfor

ns area reflected in Figueces 4 and 5.

we wes,

op “i

The radiological survey, and the interpretive effort a

Select target paragraph3