
They will be eccorded all rights which are the normal corstitutional

rights of citizens under the Constitution, but will be declt with es wards of
the United States for whor this country has snecial resvonsibilities.

The disvlecenent of locel irhabitonts will be kent to the ninimin

required for their o.m sefety and well beinegand will not be accomlished
merely for corci@erctions
of convenience.
— ee


The dicclace rent of loerl inhctit-nts sill be effecte? by asresnents

re ce em et ete el heel He

reached with then recerdins resettlecent, Including fully adecuste vrovision

for their well being in their nev locetions,
wee oe

The Atomic Imersy Comission and the Secretary of Defense will undertets

to supoly to the State Devsrtnent evidencesufficient to denonstrate in an
international forun thet in coné@uctin:such eerinentation in Tniwetok,

the United States is not thereby subjecting the 1:cal inhabitants of the
Trust-Territor,of thePecifie to nercevtipbly erc-.ter danger than, sav, the



peodle of theUnited Stat

The overetions projected will involve the recovery of title from the
Chinese Goverment of sixolus property originally velued at an estimated

Two shots are definitely planned with provisions made for a third, in

the event data odtsined from the two shots prove inadequate,

The target

te for the first shot is Avril 15, 1ch2,
The Armed Porces will provide the military operational and logistical
support necessary to the Co:mission's scientific requirements,
Chiefs of Staff heave ascedblei e Tas: Force for the purpose,

The Joint
The Comailssionts

sclentific sroun, headed bie a Test Director, has been placed under the Tas:

~mw mod

Force Cornarndcer for overeat V orverationsal control,
af e
, st foepary
oo u

emi oO


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Select target paragraph3