
With respect to the stories concerning widespread contamination
of tuna and other fish as the result of the tests, the facta do not confirm
them, The only contaminated fish discovered were those in the open

hold of the Japanese trawler, Commissioner Crawfard of the U. 5.
Food and Drug Administration has advised us: "Our inspectore found
no instance of radioactivity in any shipments of fish from Pacific

Inspections were undertaken as a purely precautionary

measure,... There is no occasion here for public apprehension about
this type of contamination," I should perhaps note that in the waters
around Bikini and Eniwetok at certain seasons of the year, almost

all fish caught are normally poisonous as a result of feeding on
certain seasonally prevalent micro-organisms, and the natives and
our Task Force personnel do not eat them at such times.

In the matter of indemnifying the Japanese, our Government has

informed the Japanese Government that it is prepared to agree to
reimbursement for such financial assistance as the Japanese Government

and our Embassy in Tokyo, jointly, may find necessary as an interim
measure to give to the persons involved for current medical care and

family relief, including wages.

With respect to the apprehension that fall-out radioactivity would
move toward Japan on the Japanese Current, I can state that any radio-

activity falling into the test area would become harmless within a few

miles after being picked up by these currents which move slowly (less
than one mile per hour) and would be completely undetectible within

500 miles or less,

With respect to a story which received some currency last week

to the effect that there is danger of a fall-out of radioactive material
in the United States, it should be noted that after every test we have

had and the Russiana tests as well there is a small increase in natural
“background! radiation in some localities within the continental United
States, but, currently, it is less than that observed after some of the

previous continental and overseas tests, and far below the levels which
could be harmful in any way to human beings, animals, or crops, It will
decrease rapidly after the tests until the radiation level has returned

approximately to the normal background.



A recent comment which I have been shown has suggested that the
incident involving the fall-out on inhabited areas was actually a planned

“part of the operation, 1 do not wish to comment on this other than to
characterize it as utterly false, irresponsible, and gravely unjust
to the men engaged in this patriotic service.

Fimmtly, I would say that one important result of these hydrogen
bomb developments has been the enhancement of our military capability

to the point where we should soon be more free to increase our emphasis

ao ay,




on the peaceful uses of atomic power -- at home and abroad. It will be
a tremendous satisfaction to those who have participated in this program
that it has hastened that day,

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